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Rattlesnake Strikes at Handler- Video


Snake enthusiast
This... this guy. I just stumbled on this. It's two years old but WHAT THE HECK?! People like this make me so mad. He's just showing off, ignoring all the warning signs, and trying to look cool. NOT COOL YOU IDIOT.

He's taking an obviously upset animal, stringing it around his neck like some PET, and showing off. "Oh! Look at me! I have venomous snakes! I'm doing something dangerous LOOK LOOK SAY YOU THINK IT'S COOL!" That's all I see here. All of his videos are like this. I don't know how well he takes care of them or anything about them but people who own venomous snakes... ANY animal, for that matter... SHOULD NOT OWN THEM TO SHOW OFF. That is when you get guys dumping their burms outside, their anacondas in the park, and their iguanas in their yard. Once the novelty rubs off it becomes a pain. This guy is just perpetuating that mindset.

Your thoughts?

The snake is venomoid, btw.
Yeah, somewhere, some idiot that doesn't bother to read the caption, or for that matter understand what a venomoid procedure is, will try this based on seeing that video. Pretty poor.
Very sad. Venomoids should be outlawed. The surgery is usually done in someone's garage as there are almost no vets that will perform it. It's very easy to accidently mistake muscle for venom glands and therefore fail to properly remove the venom sacs. This results in a person in fact being envenomated by a supposed "venomoid". There is no place for them and if you can't keep a venomous snake safely and properly, you shouldn't own them. They are a huge responsibility and this guy shows little to none!