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Ratty-Rats! :D


Shameless Addict
After what feels like an eternity, my rats are finally out of their initial welcome-home quarantines, have been introduced and settled, and got to play today! :D

The two girls came together. The albino, named Luna, had aggression issues due to lack of handling in their old home; she was also barbering herself to baldness, my guess is mostly out of boredom (after mites and lice had been ruled out), but almost has a full coat of fur again! :] While she is still less cuddly than her sister, she has accepted being handled and petted, and no longer has problems biting. :3


Umbra is a little black hooded gal with the sweetest personality. She just loves people so much, despite previously not being handled often. She is at the bars every time I walk into the room, and is the first to run out and into my lap, bruxing her little head off. xD She apparently got into a scuffle yesterday, and was bitten on the back--or perhaps was power-groomed, but is healing quickly either way.



The most recent addition is the male, Wormhole. ((Yes, we seem to be sticking with a spacey theme. :3 )) He is a black veriberk dumbo with a cute lil head spot and a sweet personality. Him and Umbra hit it off great and were playing within minutes of being introduced, and he's even gotten Luna to warm up to him and play. :D



I had a few ping pong balls in there to play with. Worm loved them--the girls would rather be grooming. Boys will be boys, and girls will be girls. :rolleyes:


Will post baby pics when I get them! :D Raising a few for my friends' ball python, so I'll get to keep them longer. :3
Very cute! I love rats, had some years ago with no issues but then got two a bit over two years ago and found out that for some reason I am extremely allergic to them now! Had to rehome those two girls because I about died every time I had to clean their cage.
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I've heard that they can be great pets and from the looks of yours that is the truth. They are illegal to keep here as Alberta is "rat free" and they want to keep it that way, although it isn't rat free any more but they still carry a $2500 fine per animal so not really worth it.
I'm curious what it is they are eating?
I think the black hooded one is pretty darn cute though!
Aaaaaaaawwwwwwwww!!! I love Worm!!! Dumbo rats are my favorites (although I love all ratties). I would have a really hard time giving the babies up for snake food (yes yes...I am a boob...).
Thank you all! They're all sweeties, even if Luna's shy about it. <3

They are enjoying a treat of organic baby food. Doesn't look appetizing, but they sure seemed to enjoy it! xD
Do you have a lot of experience with rats? I'd love to get some as pets, but I don't want to have to deal with tumors. I've researched so much, it seems like they all die horrible, tumorous deaths. I went with gerbils instead. For now...
Aaaaaaaawwwwwwwww!!! I love Worm!!! Dumbo rats are my favorites (although I love all ratties). I would have a really hard time giving the babies up for snake food (yes yes...I am a boob...).

I am a boob too. I love rats and have kept them for years. I have 3 males now. I can't even keep anything that eats rats, they are so different from mice!

Do you have a lot of experience with rats? I'd love to get some as pets, but I don't want to have to deal with tumors. I've researched so much, it seems like they all die horrible, tumorous deaths. I went with gerbils instead. For now...

I have had males and females, and most females do end up with tumors. I have had a few that didn't get them but most did. Spaying them while they are young does decrease the chance of tumors though. I usually keep males, and while males can get tumors I have never had a male get one. Most of mine have died from resp issues. They do need vet care, especially when they get older. Mine have lived anywhere from 18-30 months.

They are FANTASTIC pets, but do need interaction and out of cage time. And they will break your heart when they leave you.
These are my first rats, so no, I would not say I have experience. I researched them for quite a while beforehand, though--was going to get them before I got mice, but Butters was still to small for rat babies. I've had practically every other rodent, though. xD

I used to breed gerbils. I like them, but no matter how often you handle and work with them, they're always very flighty. My mice are more tame...ooorrrr scared to death; they just like to kind of sit there. Had guinea pigs and bunnies that just kind of sit, too. Rats are a bit more active, at least mine are, and while they do like to chill, they also have a horrible, burning curiosity that drives them into mischief! xD I consider it great preparation for having a toddler. :]
I loved our rats, but did get very allergic to them and now I can't keep them. They were a LOT of work compared to snakes, but very sociable. I had...a lot. A couple got tumors, but I feel like none of them really died healthy old age deaths. They bonded with you a lot, so it did suck when they died.
I've kept rats off and on over the years. None now though (the thought has crossed my mind a time or two but I have my hands full enough as it is lol). I've kept males and females, I prefer males...mine were much sweeter than the females...they tended to be more flighty. Mine never had tumors, and my first rat ever lived to be about 3.5-4 years old.

My friend is also allergic to rats and aspen bedding (that combo almost put her in the hospital) so she had to re-home hers. I would've taken them but I had a full house at the time.