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Real Branches/Plants or Fake?


New member
I want to put a climbing branch in for my snake but my local reptile store do not have any in stock. Is it safe to put a branch in that I get from my garden? Will i need to put it in boiling water or something like that to get rid of germs etc?
I heard it should become sterilized if you wrap it in tin foil, and put it in the oven at roughly 250 degrees, for like five minutes. Although I would check it more often, so it doesn't burn, but my times could be incorrect.
Yes you can take one from your garden but you need to sterilize it before you put it in your snake's viv so he doesn't get those nasties from outside in his tank. 250 degrees is good I think, but I believe you have to have it in there for a few hours? Hopefully someone has specifics on this who has done it before.
According to the discussion from those in the thread I linked to, it's about 20 minutes. There's some good information in there for people who are intereted in this sort of stuff. :shrugs: