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Recent SE Florida finds 8/8-8/11

Me and a friend of mine have been doing a lot of road running and field herping lately so I thought I would share the pictures I took. Unfortunately there is a lot of stuff I didn't take pics of or forgot to bring my camera but I figure these are a nice sample of our trips. These were all found in St. lucie, Okeechobee, and Highlands counties.

1 Eastern Mud snake
1 Corn - Juv.
3 Rough Green - 2 DOR
TMTC Florida Banded Water snakes
1 Green Water snake
TMTC Eastern Ribbon snakes
4 Eastern garter snakes
2 Dusky pygmy rattlesnakes - Juv.
4 Mangrove salt marsh Water snakes
2 Southern Ringneck Snakes
1 Scarlet kingnsnake DOR
4 Black racers - 1 DOR
1 Florida brown snake
Along with many various frog and lizard species, and now for the pics!


Mud snake.


Orange phase Mangrove Salt Marsh Water Snake.



Rough Green snake.


Pig Frog


And a hawk for the bird folk.
Love the mud snake and the rough green snake. Kewl finds!

What the heck happened to the tail on that Orange phase Mangrove Salt Marsh Water Snake? Is it built like that or was it cut off somehow? Interesting snake!
Love the mud snake and the rough green snake. Kewl finds!

What the heck happened to the tail on that Orange phase Mangrove Salt Marsh Water Snake? Is it built like that or was it cut off somehow? Interesting snake!

It was cut off some how, most likely due to a bird, fish, or crab based on their coastal habitat. Due to coastal development they have a very small range and every snake I have found in this particular spot has a missing portion of tail. Thanks for the comments as well hopefully I will have more stuff to show before I move up to NC ne a month.
Great pics!! I'm down in plantation florida now with the kids so far no snakes, but tons of frogs, toads, birds, lizards, and snails.
Thanks for all the comments I hope to have some more pics up in the near future. Thanks Mike, I still lurk around the board and post every now and then. Thanks for the hawk ID Lesley I thought it was a Red Shouldered but wasn't sure.
Great pics!! I live in Hobe Sound so I'm not far from you. Are you going to Daytona? It's nice to see I can find all of that variety around...(if I just go out and look hard enough!)
Yep I will be at Daytona this year gonna spend the weekend up there I will probably herp some areas nearby when I am up there since I am moving soon and won't have many more chances.
I will be headed to Asheville North Carolina after September 15th. Thanks again for all the comments I will probably be doing a write up on the 3 coastal water snake species I have located with their respective habitats and of course plenty a pics. Went out tonight and found some more oranges as well as an intergrade and a few other critters.