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Addicted Member
I usually lay my mice out until they reach room temperature before I feed. If my mice weren't too frozen anymore, but were still cool and I realized that I couldn't feed them right away and I stuck them back in the freezer, will they be good? Could they go bad? I mean, in the wild, I'm sure they'd eat something thats been dead for a while. ANy input would be appreciated. Thank ya!
topic of discussion

Some say that it leads to bacterial growth, but freezing usually rekills whatever bacteria may form.
It usually makes the mouse less appetizing, but many snakes will still take them. I personally do it as little as possible, but it has never had a deliterious effect on my snakes.
If the mouse is freshly thawed it can be refrozen, no problem. But I wouldn't do that more than once for that mouse. On your next feeding round use the refrozen mice first.
Well it's not something I would do, I just chuck them out if they are not used. I know that you cannot refreeze raw meat for human consumption, can cause salmonella amongst other things, personally I wouldn't like to take the chance.
While freezing kills most bacteria some just go dormant and are still a risk. I just throw them away if not eaten. It is true that animals eat things in the wild that are already dead and for how long?? who knows. Our captive animals live in a different environment. No matter how hard we try we can't exactly duplicate conditions in the wild so it's hard to compare their eating habits that way. I want all of my snakes to have the safest and healthiest food possible, jmho:)


I've thawed and refrozen meat hundreds of times and then aten it. I never got sick,... freezing kills bacteria and germs so any germs that have grown on it during the first thaw should have been killed off by the second freeze. I don't see why it would be a problem.
Hm.. Well I'm not all that sure but I myself would probably not refreeze a mouse that a snake didn't eat..the second freeze couldn't kill ALL the bacteria..
Just my opinion
"Most residential freezers do not reach cold enough temperatures to kill all bacteria, so refreezing of uneaten food items is not recommended." The Corn Snake Manual - Bill & Kathy Love

I realize some refreeze and others don't but again why take a chance:) JMHO.
