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Refrozen Pinkies?

depends how long they were out. i wouldn't do it, if say, the pinkies were left out overnight in a tub.
I don't think it would hurt anything. As long as you didn't leave it out over night it should be fine. I haven't ever refrozen mice that my snake didn't eat but i also don't like to waste anything so I just gave it to my cat. Since it was only a pinky he really didn't even chew it he just swallowed it whole,I probably wouldn't do this with a big mouse though.
I wouldn't refreeze them after being heated up in water. I got myself a king snake to take care of left overs now, it makes life way easier and you don't waste pinks that way.
Anyway, if you do refreeze it, only do it once. Like if he refuses it again flush it.