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Regarding my question from my intro...


I had a question regarding my little baby Harley. I caught him in the wild and I was wondering if someone with a little more experience could tell me if he is a corn. He has markings like that of a corn, and he's such a sweetie. Some say he may be a black rat, but I thought maybe you guys could help! I took him to the pet shop, to see if they could tell me what they thought. They also said it would be fine to house Harley and my other baby snow corn together, and they said it would be fine.

Here are pictures of Harley eating, and one of Harley and Narnia together (hopefully this works, if not, my apologies guys!):



I'd say it's not a black rat, it's pattern is too "clean". Looks like it may be a baby Plains Ratsnake; they are pretty variable across their range.

You can keep them together, but it's best to separate them. If you do cohabitate, make sure there are plenty of hiding spaces, perches etc that they can get away from each other, and plan on possible egg laying (and all that goes with it) if they turn out to be a pair. The only time two snakes like yours lay together is that they both find "that spot" to their liking :)
Thank you so much! This is very helpful! AND...this may be a stupid question, but are Corn Snakes a type of Rat Snake? I have been doing a lot of research, and I read that on one of the sites I visited, however, there are so many different things I've read, I am not sure what sites are actually legit! :) I figured I needed to find a forum just like this, and talk to people who have experience with this kind of thing!

So, are you saying that it could be a possibility for my Narnia and Harley to be a pair, even if one is a corn and one is a rat? They do seem to like each other, and get along very well. I still feed them separately just in case...
KelKel1 said:
So, are you saying that it could be a possibility for my Narnia and Harley to be a pair, even if one is a corn and one is a rat? They do seem to like each other, and get along very well. I still feed them separately just in case...

Yup, they are like cousin.

Here a few more things to read.


Husbandry and such

Free Herp Software




On-line frozen mice suppliers
http://www.exotic-pets.co.uk/frozen-mice.html for the UK
Wait....scratch the last message....

Oh my goodness, Chris, I checked out the links you provided in your response. From everything I just saw, I need to seperate these babies like...NOW! :(
Yup, corns are a rat snake and they could definately breed if they turn out to be male/female. The resulting babies are known as "rootbeer corns" :). You can do a search on this site to see pics of rootbeers, cremesicles and cinnamons, all Corn/Plains rat crosses.

Again, I'm no expert on Plains (aka Emory Rat snakes), but thats what it looks like to me :*)
cannabilism in Corns and rats is very rare, but does happen. I have kept pairs and even up to 12 snakes together with out a single problem, and there are others on the forum that do the same thing. But, you decide what kind of risk you want to take and make your decision from there.

The main thing that i would be warry of, is that if the snake you are asking about is a WC (Wild Caught), then he could have parasites, mites, or any number of other illnesses that could be spread to your snow. So, if I were you, I would have him checked out by a vet, or at least havea fecal done on him to make sure that you don't have to deal with that.
pcar said:
cannabilism in Corns and rats is very rare, but does happen. I have kept pairs and even up to 12 snakes together with out a single problem, and there are others on the forum that do the same thing. But, you decide what kind of risk you want to take and make your decision from there.

one of the few (next to soderberg) i know of that will actually admit to doing this. sounds stupid, but it is almost as shocking as "coming out of the closet"..........good job paul. :cheers:
I have had plenty of debates with people on here about this. Most everyone knows that I have kept and still keep corns together. as a matter of fact, my snow X Anery A het Amel clutch of 14 babies is being kept together right now.

anyway, I will be calling you in a bit Galen.

I just checked out your site...very awesome, your available babies are so adorable!

Either way, as far as keeping my babies together, I will keep a very close eye, and see how things go. I will also make sure Harley is in good health. Actually, I should check both of them out now. Any signs that I should be looking for? They've been together for a few weeks now. About how much time would pass if there were to be problems with them being together, or if one was sick?

As of now, they both seem to be in great helath, no problems eating, they are both very active...
KelKel1 said:

I just checked out your site...very awesome, your available babies are so adorable!

Either way, as far as keeping my babies together, I will keep a very close eye, and see how things go. I will also make sure Harley is in good health. Actually, I should check both of them out now. Any signs that I should be looking for? They've been together for a few weeks now. About how much time would pass if there were to be problems with them being together, or if one was sick?

As of now, they both seem to be in great helath, no problems eating, they are both very active...

to be honest.........i would separate them right now. as mentioned before, being WC and not a "true" corn then you might have problems. the real problem comes with kings/milks/corns/rats/gophers/foxes/bp's/anacondas/pit vipers/alligators.........you know, all mixed together in the same place. :grin01: just start these off separate and go from there. there will also be alot of flack coming from these responses, but "to each their own". i don't recommend keeping them together if you don't feel comfortable or can keep an "eye out" on them, but if you have just bought 2 hatchling corns from a trade show and want to keep them in the same home.......go for it.
I really appreciate the advice. I will certainly do what would be best for them. I'll split them up as soon as possible.
cka said:
I'd say it's not a black rat, it's pattern is too "clean". Looks like it may be a baby Plains Ratsnake; they are pretty variable across their range.
Looks like a western fox snake to me. Given her locale, a GPR is unlikely :wavey:
I actually caught Harley in LaCrosse, WI. It actually seemed very symbolic that I found him in the way that I did. We were actually up in LaCrosse for a horrible reason. My father was up there for his 8th, year with his buds on an annual Harley trip. They were on a bad road, and it was covered in gravel and tar as the road had just been blacktopped. The road should have been closed to be honest. The guys were going about 15-20 miles an hour, and my Dad's back tire slid into a ditch. He made it out of that, tried to regain control of the bike while he road along side of the road in the grass, and the front of his tire hit a huge flagstone that just happened to be hidden in the grass. His bike flipped, end over end three times. He was hospitalized for almost 2 weeks in LaCrosse. He didn't make it due to very severe head injuries. He passed on the 23rd of August. The the evening of his passing, my family and I were sitting outside on the patio of the hotel we were staying at, when little "Harley" came slithering up onto the patio. The little guy didn't even really put up a fight when I picked him up. I just had to bring him home with me, and Harley seemed like the absolute perfect name.

Anyway, that's my Harley story, so he's not just an ordinary snake to me! So does the location change things, or do you still this he may be a Western Fox? I kinda thought it would be a possibility as well. I saw some pictures yesterday while researching this, but it was hard to tell from the photos that I saw on line.

KelKel1 said:

I just checked out your site...very awesome, your available babies are so adorable!

Either way, as far as keeping my babies together, I will keep a very close eye, and see how things go. I will also make sure Harley is in good health. Actually, I should check both of them out now. Any signs that I should be looking for? They've been together for a few weeks now. About how much time would pass if there were to be problems with them being together, or if one was sick?

As of now, they both seem to be in great helath, no problems eating, they are both very active...

Thanks for the feedback on the site.

Keeping them together is totally up to you as I said before. There are risks involved and you need to decide how much of a risk you are willing to take. This this not being a king, then your risk of canabilism is greatly reduced.

As to them being sick, you need to look for mites - little tick like insects that infest snakes. Will look like pepper on your snakes. Look around the eyes, vent, and between the scales. You will want to check both snakes for this now. As soon as each poos next, collect it fresh and take them in seperate baggies with the snake's name on it to a local vet and ask to have a fecal run on them. They will look for internal Parasites and such that way. If they come up with anything, you may be asked to bring the snakes in for a full exam, diagnoses and treatment.

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your father.
KelKel1 said:
I actually caught Harley in LaCrosse, WI. It actually seemed very symbolic that I found him in the way that I did. We were actually up in LaCrosse for a horrible reason. My father was up there for his 8th, year with his buds on an annual Harley trip. They were on a bad road, and it was covered in gravel and tar as the road had just been blacktopped. The road should have been closed to be honest. The guys were going about 15-20 miles an hour, and my Dad's back tire slid into a ditch. He made it out of that, tried to regain control of the bike while he road along side of the road in the grass, and the front of his tire hit a huge flagstone that just happened to be hidden in the grass. His bike flipped, end over end three times. He was hospitalized for almost 2 weeks in LaCrosse. He didn't make it due to very severe head injuries. He passed on the 23rd of August. The the evening of his passing, my family and I were sitting outside on the patio of the hotel we were staying at, when little "Harley" came slithering up onto the patio. The little guy didn't even really put up a fight when I picked him up. I just had to bring him home with me, and Harley seemed like the absolute perfect name.


Wow Kel, sorry to hear this! Of course you have to keep litle Harley in your Dad's memory, and how he came into your life. Paul's advice is right on as usual. (Hey Paul!)
I'd get him to the vet for a checkup along with your snow to make sure no mites/parasites have been transferred and then put him in his own viv. What a great way to honor your Dad's memory, and my thoughts and prayers are with you.