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Regurge & 2 food refusals


New member
Hi everyone.

On Feb. 12, (3 days after being fed) my baby snake did a regurge. After that happened, I left her alone and followed the regurgitation plan, waiting 9 days before trying again.

This time, I took her gently from the viv and placed her in a container with JUST the head of a 2g pinkie. Come morning, she hadn't touched it so I put her back. There was no handling or touching at all after this.

I waited another 6 days to try again, again with just a piece of the pinkie. Except, following the advice of someone on my other post, I just put the piece of pinkie on a plate in her viv, turned the lights off so it was pitch black, and left her alone. Checked this morning and she hadn't touched the pinkie.

I'd like to add that I haven't seen ANY signs of a shed whatsoever since I've gotten her. She was 7g the last time I weighed her and the pinkies I have are only 1-2g... I'm just not sure why she won't eat them...

What's my next step? Wait another week and try feeding her another head? Wait 2 weeks so she's good and hungry?

I'm not sure where to go from here.
There are a few basic reasons why a snake might regurgitate its meal after it's been down for a while. I put these in order of likelihood (in my mind).

1. The food was too big
2. The snake's environment isn't correct
3. The snake is sick
4. The food was bad in some way

If you know which one is the cause that will better help you to know what to do.
I don't think the food was too big. She's 7g and she got the head of a 2 pinkie.

She's in a 20 gallon tank with locking lid. She's got a lot of hiding spaces with foliage all over the place and a water bowl.

Temp on warm side (with uth) is 82 and she has hides over it. She has hides on the cool side too. Bedding is aspen snake bedding.

The food has been kept in the freezer, is just taken out and unthawed in water in a ziploc...

She doesn't seem sick. She's very active and haven't noticed anything off about her...
Head of a 2g pinkie***

And her cage is secluded from everything. I've even got it covered mostly so nothing at all bothers her (so she can't see the cats etc.)
I just got her in January but she was eating fine the first few times I fed her. She seemed reluctant to take the mouse (she was fed live) but she did...
I'd double check the temperature, and verify that it's 82 where the snake would actually be, not the glass below the substrate or anything else. And make sure the cold side isn't cold, but rather in the lower 70s or so. And verify that the water is easily accessible and the snake isn't thirsty when you put her right next to the water. Has she shed recently?
82 is a little on the cold side.. since you have such a big tank I would try to bump it up about 5 degrees on the warm side.. I have a feeling the cool side will be too cool... Most people just put in a UTH make sure hot side is hot enough (which yours barely is, they recommend 85 I prefer a degree or two more for babies), and the cool is most likely too cool. What is your ambien in your room? Whatever the ambien is is most likely going to be the cool end of the tank as UTH is not very powerful heaters, they remain local.... I suspect it is your temps, and next time, leave her in the viv, put the head on a deli cup lid being moved might bother her too... but I duly suspect your temps..