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Regurge or not?


Buzz-Buzz Ziggety-Zag
Hi All!

I keep on hearing about regurge and I am not 100% sure I would be able to recognise one.

I know that poop has the white chalky pee present but what does a regurge look like??

What I would like is if you guys had pics of regurge?
I think it would also help some other new owners to spot them.

Sorry, it is being a bit of a :puke02: request but better be safe than sorry ;)
A regurge will look like a brown squishy mouse for the most part. It's usually fairly easy to differentiate between them. There's also the smell factor, regurges are rather stinky. I don't have an pics seeing as I haven't had to deal with a regurge yet but I'm sure you could find some with the search function.
I do have some pictures...I think. I believe I've got a few pictures of what I suspected to be a partially digested regurge, which is a more difficult to identify than a full-on regurge (when smell doesn't help), in my opinion.

I've got to leave to go somewhere, but I'll see if I can't find those pics and update this post with them when I get back later today.
I tried the search function for regurge photo but could not find anything and this is why I am creating this thread.

Zach, thanks for looking into finding the pics.
jenkva said:
I tried the search function for regurge photo but could not find anything and this is why I am creating this thread.

Zach, thanks for looking into finding the pics.

Oh, yippee, .....A new link that I can add.
I hope their are some shocking photographs Ha! Not really.

That's one of the things I which I never have to see or deal with.
Lennycorn said:
Oh, yippee, .....A new link that I can add.
I hope their are some shocking photographs Ha! Not really.

That's one of the things I which I never have to see or deal with.
I am so very very happy and utterly (butterly) delighted that I could make you happy and go "Yippee"!
Your apparent joyfulness is now spreading and is infecting trillions and zillions of people, well, this is what I am hoping for anyway...LOL :crazy02:
Sorry to disappoint...

...unfortunately it seems as though I must have weeded out those photos some time ago. :( I'm surprised I did, and wish I hadn't. They would have been good to hold onto for times like this.

Thankfully (knock on wood), I haven't had any regurges for a long time, but I will be sure to keep pics if the opportunity arises. I would be surprised if no one else on the forum has any pics, but I've been surprised before. :)
My little bloodred has been regurging. If she does it again, I'll be sure and take a picture for you.
Thank you Becky for offering to take pics of regurge but I think I know what it looks like now ;)

And Becky, thanks for the urls... I had the really bad idea to watch them just before lunch... :puke02:.... which I think I will skip today...LOL

I am surprised that I didn't find the discussion myself as I did do a search :shrugs: Might have been tired at the time :(