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Regurge or Poop? Feed or Not?


New member
I apologize in advance for how long this intro is, but I dont want to miss any details.

I bought my Cornholio from a pet shop about 3 months ago ( I know now that its best to go through a reputable breeder ). Anyways, Im guessing he was about 2-3 months old when I got him, making him about 5-6 months old. I always keep him on a feeding regimen, 1 pinkie every 5 days depending on if he was shedding or not at the time.
About a 2 weeks ago Corn looked like he was still searching for food after I fed him. He also digested the pinkie after 24 hours. His tank is always kept at 80-82 on the warm side and 73-75 on the cool side. Water is changed regualarly, and he has a few hiding spots. Corn has a heat lamp and I added a heat pad since its getting pretty cold in the house with it being fall.
I decided then to feed Cornholio two pinkies for the next feed 5 days later. He happily took and ate both pinkies quite fast. I decided then to leave him alone for at least 48 hours and feed him again in a week. For the next 3 days I left him alone because he was lethargic and still had a bump in his belly. After I noticed the bump being gone and that he did indeed poop I decided to handle him. He was still lethargic but he crawled all over me as usual. I put him back in his tank.
Later that night I decided to take him out again and I noticed a long stretched black looking thing that could be mistaken for poop, is was hardened to his log. I wish I would have had a picture. It wasint his normal bird-like poo thats for sure. I then did some research. I looked at pictures of regurge and other things ( I know gross ), and I looked at some threads from this site as well.

Is it possible for a snake to regurge/vomit after 3 days and after a poop?

I found alot of mixed answers.

Cornholio seems normally healthy and in fact he is VERY active, noisily active. He almost seems like he is hunting for food and will go to extreme measures (like climbing up into the lid of the cage over and over again... Luckily I have clips for the tank)

I have no doubt in my mind that he is hungry, yesterday was his feeding day, and I found the weird poop/regurge 4 days ago. If he did regurge Im guessing it was from the amount of food. Two pinkies can be hard on the digestive tract. So I bought fuzzies for him instead for when he is able to eat. I just dont know whether to feed him again or not because if he did regurge I dont want to chance him doing it again because of lack of digetive enzymes, but if hes this active I dont want to not feed him either because he is a young growing corn.

I have paper towels over a reptile carpet in his 10 gallon tank so I can see if he ever gets mites again(happened about 2 months ago... Damn pet store) and so I can see how hes pooping and such. Always kept clean. Husbandry isint an issue here. The regurge/poop was hard, like I could snap it in half, and it didint have a bad smell from afar but i could smell a musty smell from my papertowel in my hand lol.

So finally my questions are..

Can a Corn vomit 3 days after eating and pooping?

Should I feed him or wait a week?

When I do feed him should I stay with a pinkie mouse until he fully digests it?

Any thoughts, advice, and constructive criticism. Is appreciated. Im a new corn snake owner and new to this site and I want what is best for my Cornholio, he is like a child to me haha and hope to have many more corns to come ;)

Also thankyou for the time for reading this post, Im just concerned cuz besides mites, hes never regurged or had problems shedding and seems very healthy, has never refused food and seems like a happy snake.
Do you know how much he weighs?

Without knowing if he regurged, I would feed (every five days, skipping his next meal) half a pink, the other half, then a small pink, then a medium pink. See how he does with that. I would cut slits in the backs of the pinks for easier digestion.

A fuzzy is harder to digest than two pinks, and shouldn't be given at all till your snake is about 25 grams. I don't feed double pinks any more at all; I just gradually increase the mouse size, just as we do in all other stages.
Unfortunately I do not /: I should buy a scale for him. He didint have a noticeable bump when I fed him last and went by that. Since yesterday was his feeding day, and he supposedly regurged 4 days ago, it would be safe for him to be fed in 4 days? (Counting one of the 5 days being yesterday for skipped feeding)

If that makes any sense haha.
Yeah that was one of my concerns I didint want to feed himtoo soon after rugurging. Havint fed him since so far, and will take your advice! Thankyou!