Derek, I'm not trying to say your info is please do not take it this way. You are very right on the 48 hr. rule of thumb about holding a snake after a feeding. But I would say NOT to handle the snake even after 48 hrs if the snake is still showing signs of food in its belly. As long as there is a sizable amount of food in the belly that has not been digested, it can still regurge if handled. And I say this from first hand experience not hear say. A couple times I had had a snake eat a fairly good sized food prey and waited the required 48 hrs. but noticed they still had a lump in their bellies. The first time was a short picture taking episode and resulted in no problems. The second time, with a different snake, I held the snake for only a short time and a couple hours later i found it had regurged what was left of its food.
So, I definitely suggest that if a lump can still be seen in the snakes belly that handling be held off to be on the safe side.
The food still not being digested can be from the fact of having a larger than normal prey item but could also be from temps too cool for proper digestion, so make sure you check the temps on the warm side of the viv to be sure it is around 82 degrees.