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Just A Corn Noob
Hey i was wondering i fed my 1 month old a pinky mouse and it regurged 1 day later. is there more than one size of pinky mouse? just wondering and what should i do about this? thanks in advance ;)
If your snake is only a month old, you should find the smallest pinkies you can. Pinkies do come in different sizes, but petstores usually don't carry a size range in pinkies. If you are buying your pinkies at a pet shop, ask them to pick you the smallest ones they can find. I'm curious, is the snake actually a month old or you have it for one month?? January just doesn't seem to be a pipping month to me.:shrugs:
its one month old what should i do? im kinda scared i dont wana mess it up after all hes a lovely snake
Don't feed or handle your snake for 10 days. Leave it alone, then the next meal you offer it, just offer it a pinky head. It's really important to leave the snake alone for the next ten days. Try in the meantime to find some really small pinkies.

Your snake may have regurged if you handled it after the first time you fed it. After a hatchling eats, or any snake for that matter, you should leave them undisturbed for two full days. Is you vivarium adequated heated? I mean is there a cool side (75 deg F) and a warm side (85 deg F)? Snakes need a temperature gradient to control body heat, which also aids in digestion.