Remember Pluto, my cornsnake? I posted here before that he used to dig under the substrate and stay there - and I thought he was brumating... well, I got her tank all nicely setup with some accessories and look at the way it looks now!
He no longer hides under the substrate but hangs out all over the tank's items!!! Very cool, now I can see him at all times, without searching under the substrate!
For others who are having this issue, I think the more hiding places these snakes have, or climbing items, the happier they are and the less they will hide away from full view.
He no longer hides under the substrate but hangs out all over the tank's items!!! Very cool, now I can see him at all times, without searching under the substrate!
For others who are having this issue, I think the more hiding places these snakes have, or climbing items, the happier they are and the less they will hide away from full view.