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REP power


i have always had good feedback from people then there is this one person outa nowhere that gives me bad rep power and dosnt leave me a comment telling me why?? kenalotia i have no idea who you are but i would like a valid reason why you would take away my rep power. and can anyone else help me with this, has it ever hapened to you? this is the first time i have been on in a few days and that is an unpleasent suprise. PLEASE HELP ME i dont want bad rep power :bowdown: :bowdown:
In the grand scheme of the universe, your rep power is insignificant. People that spend any amount of time here will value or ignore your opinion based on the content of what you have said rather than the little artificial number in your profile.
The person must've disapproved of your post? *shrug* If as you say you have always had good feedback one negative won't harm.
Methinks rep points are being taken a wee bit too seriously just of late..
I have made jokes about the whole rep thing and I think I upset some people so I wont do that anymore. The only value it has for me is that it's nice to see a nice comment someone has left for or about me and I like to do the same for others when I like a post they have made.
Where did I go

I noticed that after I deleted a thread (dated material in the wanted section) I lost my posts and rep power. Now it was only 3 posts but it was the only rep power that I had (2) and I kinda miss the little guy :)

Now that is odd... My little 2 is back... :shrugs: Now I don't know what to think!
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how long have these been online ?

i remember being very active on a board that tried rep pointing and it didnt gave a very good result
Green bar Supreme''''


I like a high rep power and when people give you a nice comment, it gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling that someone really cares… but now we have established that that is no longer important and feelings mean nothing as long as you contribute to the site….But green bars are fun…. :crazy02: