New member
This is Heart (gf named her). I believe it's a she just going by the taper of the tail. She was what I would call a rescue snake. I seen a local ad for a free "rat" snake. Someone was giving her away because they weren't able to take care of her anymore. They said they bought her from Petsmart and was told she was a rat snake. When I picked her up she was in a tank full of dried dusty eco earth substrate. I got her just in time, they had a bag of pine bedding they tried to give me with her that they were going to switch to. I got her home and cleaned out her tank that was over due, and put in aspen bedding. She seems to have settled in well after being here for a week and had no problem eating today. I was told she's about 6 months old but seems kind of on the small side. I haven't been able weigh her yet. Other than that she appears healthy