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Rescued snake with retained shed and tail damage


New member
So a guy contacted me about a little corn snake and said he didn't want him any more. He mentioned he looked a little scruffy and so i went to collect him. I got him home and checked him over to find he was very dehydrated - he had no water or hides! He was said to not be feeding and was still on pinkies when he's plenty big enough for fluffs. He had a lot of retained shed - at least 2 layers. I removed the shed but the damage was already done to the tail and im pretty sure he'll loose at least part of the damaged section. Part of the tail tip fell off when the shed was removed so i kept it clean, disinfected and monitored it. He's had 3 feeds here, 2 of them fluff's and has gained a little weight. He's gotten livelier and is a dream to handle! He's also been named Mu Cephei

My question is, he's been here almost a month and he still hasn't shed. I expected him to go into shed soon to repair the damage to his tail but hasn't. When should i expect him to shed?




You have done a great job with him. Be patient he will shed when he is ready. Thanks for saving this beautiful snake.
It saddens and amazes me how cruel and self centered some Humans can be
and when tired of the Amimal, dicards it on a whim.
I'm happy to hear that someone who cares has rescued this little guy.
Good luck with him And thank you for taking him in.
Great job! I'm sure he'll shed soon (after making you worry about it, ha!). He's obviously put on weight.
That first pictiure is heartbreaking. You are doing a wonderful taking care of him. It sounds like you are experienced with snakes, so I'm sure when he's finally ready to shed, you'll see if he needs help. I'm also thinking that if he continues to eat well and puts on a bit more weight, he'll shed soon enough.

He's definitely put on weight and i figured he'd shed soon just from that alone. It just worried me a little that he hadn't shed to repair the damaged tail at all yet.

He was really subdued when he arrived - he pretty much just hung there and didn't move much. He was so listless, even when the tip of his tail fell off so i worried about him all night! But now he's a little terror and has even tried to rattle his tail, failed naturally but tried! I don't have the space or time to keep him, so he's been promised to a new home once his tail has healed a little. His new owner has wanted a snake since he was kid and is already in love - he's been visiting every week until he's healthy enough to leave :D So he's gonna have the best home possible :)

This was him when he first arrived. All that was in there was a very dry water bowl (with dried poop stuck in - he hadn't eaten in a month!). His bedding was filthy - i removed most of it out of the enclosure in this photo. His owner even tried to tell me he was healthy!

My goodness! That's awful!
That's the worst case of bad shed I've ever seen. I never understood how someone could have an animal and stand to see in in such bad shape! Scruffy was quite the understatement!

I'm glad someone competent like you has taken him him to nurse him back to health! And I'm glad the new home sounds excellent too! :)

Thank goodness corns are hardy snakes!
It is a pity that the person who neglected this beautiful animal will not get in any trouble for doing so. Those first images were clearly neglect; had it been a dog, I bet the owner could find himself up on animal abuse charges. You did a wonderful thing to save this snake, and I was shocked to see what a lovely creature she was under all that retained shed! Why didnt she have all sorts of foul skin diseases from that? Lucky she did not. Thank you so much for saving her.