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Retaining Stripes

Brad Jr.

New member
We just bought a baby normal striped corn. I was curious if anybody knows whether her stripes will break up as she grows, or will they stay solid throughout here growth? Thanks in advance for the help.
This really depends on the snake itself...some will break up and some will stay solid colored~~~
Unless it's from the vanishing stripe line, everything should stay pretty much the same as it is now. Slight, subtle changes may occur, but nothing drastic if it isn't a vanishing stripe.
The vanishing stripe animals I've seen are from Kathy Love's line of stripes, and they are animals that start off striped but tend to go toward one color as they get older, if I'm not mistaken.

It has been my observation that while most striped snakes keep their pattern, the stripes do tend to get much less distinct as they age (even for the non-vanishing varities). This is an effect of the psuedo-hypo quality seen in stripes and motleys.
hehe TS, Darin answered for me and may I say he answered it very well...

Yeah mine has changed a little bit from when I first got him. His stripes aren't as dark and defined but you can still see them.

5 mos
<img src=http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=Flower7287&album_id=79831&image_id=30&courtesy=1>

11 mos
<img src=http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=Flower7287&album_id=87143&image_id=29&courtesy=1>

The color difference b/t the 1st and 2nd picture is b/c I used the macro function for one and not for the other. His true color is more like the 2nd pic.

I have a Vanishing Stripe myself originally from Kathy Love and she said this variety has come from Okeetee to Normal Stripes, then that clutches breed back together.

My snakes stripe is almost 100% gone now and is has gotten fainter and fainter. Almost solid colored at this point. (01 animal)

Not at all,

Heavens, Darin, not a problem! I am always most pleased
and honored when you or Iris (or both!) answer a question
-- it's a delight to read your posts. So do only normals and
amels of Kathy's line pull this vanishing act, or can Anerys,
too? Aren't their stripes usually more delineated?

Thanks again,

PS: I'll second that about the picture -- what a lovely little guy.
Is he a normal stripe? Hard to believe, he comes out looking
so very richly shaded.
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what it is

O.k. Striped cornsnakes, some stripes will lessen with age, this is normal and it happens as they mature for some but not all.

With actual Vanishing Stripe Cornsnakes the stripe is *supposed* to fade 100% totally, usually by the time they are one year old or so, this is not due to maturity or anything but genes alone.

You can get vanishing stripe corns from other people I am sure although Kathy is the only one I have heard having them really at this point for sale. Although I haven't seen any for sale lately.


Very nice. Didn't notice that little guy on there! thanks for sharing!

Looks a bit like mine did when I first got it but now she has no striping like he does a bit.....an 01? Maybe from same clutch! lol yeah right.

whoops looks like I'm a little late
thanks for all the nice compliments

Xavier appreciates it all and look! Here he is (again) posing for you ;)
<img src=http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=Flower7287&album_id=95191&image_id=12&courtesy=1>