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Rheostat died/Freshly Fed


Hooked and Loving It
I wasn't sure where to actually post this, so I just picked what I thought was the best section.

The rheostat on my ghost females tank just took a nose dive (quit working). She just ate tonight so I figure I can't let her temps drop to room temp (72) overnight. Anyone have any ideas? Our Walmart isn't 24 hours, otherwise I would go buy the stuff to make a homemade one till payday Friday.
heres what you can do, easiest and simplest solution i can think of is if you have a room with a computer in it... thats small like the size of a den, you can move the viv there and leave the computer on, usually if i do that my room gets to bout 30 degrees celcius which i believe is 85 f... An alternative to that is to put things on out side or inside of viv, between the heater and where the snake can contact, EX put a tile under the tank and the heater under the tile, and monitor temps. Keep adding/subtracting things till you get an IDEAL temp doesnt have to be perfect. If the mat is stuck on the bottom you can put the tile inside the viv. This can help although make sure you monitor the temps! unfortunatly this will mean a lot of time monitoring, the quickest fix is the computer room idea...thats what i did when i didnt have a heater for a few days. Hope this helps, btw it doesnt have to be a tile, it could be anything even like a towel or something!
The problem with the computer idea is my computers are all liquid cooled, they don't output anything above 60 degrees...The only thing I have handy that will lay flat on the bottom of the tank is a peice of plexiglass....do not think that will work very well...and she would burrow under the towel...tried that before posting lol
Until I can get her a new Rheostat I shall just move her viv in next to the other one and plug them both into the same rheostat....and adjust temps....if I need to :)
They are both the same size and it was only for 4 hours, now they are both on brand new UTH's and digital thermostats :) runnin at 84.8 :)