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Riddle: What's white and green, took four years to create, and used to be priceless?


Dazed and Cornfused
Answer: My Striped Opal, het Hypo clutch! :dancer:

She just couldn't resist the urge to lay 'em while I was out of town. There were 15 eggs total. A few looked like they might have a shot, the rest were clearly doomed. Now I'm just living for the slim chance that the one in the middle might still make it.

Murphy-1, CAV-0.............


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CAV said:
Murphy-1, CAV-0.............

Wow....You must put up one hell of a fight, Murphy is beating me by a much larger margin.
Seriously though, how devestating! I'm sorry to hear about that! I'll cross my fingers some pull through for you. I know my heart was broken when almost all of my 1st clutch of the year came out kinked. :(
Oh no!

That's a bummer. I do hope some of them pull through!!! You never know, I've heard of crazier things happening. :) Let us know how they do.

Sometimes I'd like to find Murphy and smack him. :mad:
Wow, how heartbreaking. Do you have any others that'll produce these this year? Will the female double for you or is she too young?

Fingers crossed for that one in the middle.
Oh Gary that sucks! I hope you can save a few of them at least! I think I would put my hand through a wall if that ever happened to me
Gee Gary, I'm so sorry to hear/see that. What a shame. And WHY does it always seem that if something is going to wrong with a clutch or a snake, it is always the ones you have the most hopes for. Grrrrrr! Murphy is a wicked one. I wish Lady Luck would just beat the pants off of him and make it easier on everyone. :sidestep:

Best of luck that some of those will plump back up and make it.
Friggin' Murphy can kiss my fat "what d'ya mean book money?" pizza and beer built a**... But seriously, that really sucks, and I'm really sorry to hear it. Consider my fingers crossed for the middle one. That picture really tells the story.
Gary, looks like two or three of them may have a shot; got my fingers crossed for ya, bud.
"A week later" update

Looks like one might make it after all. Only time will tell if the embryo is normal. My experience has been that deformities occur in dehydrated clutches.

Note to all: This is why you should always incubate eggs, even if you don't think there is any hope. ;)


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Wow . . .

Well, it looks good now! Kinda a little dot of hope, huh? :) And I do hope the baby is okay, maybe you got it in time.