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RIP Tabasco


Digger, RN
I've been breeding snakes for about 10 years or so. I've made my peace with death. We all know that sometimes snakes can succumb to infections, organ failure, genetic problems, intestinal/digestion issues, status distress... hatchlings starve themselves for whatever reason. Hell, sometimes snakes die with no discernable reason at all. I'm used to this. It's still disheartening and saddens me, and I'll shed a tear or 100 for those that really got close to me. But these have all been my snakes.

The weight that slammed down on my chest could not be heavier when I opened up Tabasco's cage to check on him and say hi yesterday morning, only to find him dead. Oh Tabasco... what happened buddy? You were lively yesterday. You see, Tabasco is not my snake per se. I bred him, but he belongs to Darwin... my step-son. Darwin just turned 6 in June, and is exceptionally bright for a boy so young, but he's never really faced death before. When his Grandfather died last year, he stated he was sad, but didn't really show any signs of grief. I assumed that he was still trying to grasp the concept of death. Lord knows though, that I did not want to test that theory this way.

So, I wrapped little Tabasco in a paper towel and put him in the freezer. Dar was at school all day, and I wanted to save his body so we could bury him. This is unfamiliar territory... I have had tons of child psych & development training, but its not the same as the "real deal." based on his previous reaction to death last year, and what I know about 6 year old development, I expected him to react the same as before. So after dinner, I sat down and told him the bad news, praying the whole time that I could keep my composure. I figured that as long as he reacted the way I thought he would, I might not crack down.

What I expected and what actually happened couldn't be farther from each other. At first he asked me what happened, and just sat there. Then he exploded into sobs and threw himself at me. Ok... I'm not strong enough to fight tears after that. We sat there and hugged and cried, and talked about how goofy Tabasco was, and cried some more. Tabasco was only 2, but Dar became attatched to him rather quickly. I've always had alot of snakes, so for him to have one of his own was a big deal. He picked himself out of Delilah's '07 babies. Delilah was his favorite for so long, so he was ecstatic to pick one of her babies to keep as his own. Tabasco taught him the nitty and gritty about snake care, but Dar took it all in stride. They grew together. Perhaps Tabasco's last lesson was the most important, even though it was the hardest... It taught a little boy about death and a new "parent" about her step-son.

Rest in Peace happy little Tabasco... You will be missed.



That made me want to cry. :( I agree that it was a good experience for both you and Darwin though. RIP little Tabasco...
Indeed a tragic week. Blessings to you all.

I'm with the others on here, Catherine. While I've only met Dar in passing, please do give him a hug from Uncle Fred. He should know that many of us are sending good thoughts and heartfelt condolences his way.
Thank you all for the kind thoughts. When he was little, I spent alot of time taming Tabasco down for Dar. I wanted to make sure he had a well behaved snake. After a while, hubby started helping, and eventually Dar. We all got attatched to this lively and happy little snake, and now that he's gone, it almost feels like the house has become more quiet & dreery. I know that its just my imagination, but its been a sad day in our house for sure. :(

So sorry to hear it! What a tragic week for the pets of members here..:cry:

Tell me about it! Its been a while since I've been able to hop on. Finally, I stop by only to find out that its been a nasty week for quite a few people here! Wonder if its a full moon maybe?
Thanks guys. I'll let Darwin read this when he gets home. Hopefully this will make him feel better. Here's one last pic of the 2 boys, just for ooh's and ahh's. He really was such a pretty snake.


Trust me Nanci... I've been racking my brain feeling all sorts of cruddy over this. What happened? Did I do something wrong? Did I miss any clues? Unfortunately, I can't come up with anything. Dar was off on vacation to his grandmother's for the week prior, there was no change in husbandry, feed was the same... honestly, I don't know what happened. Its killing me. :(
Heartfelt condolences to you and to Darwin. RIP Tabasco. I'm sure he was loved so much in his short life that he will never be forgotten.
I am so sorry to hear this especially since he was so young seemingly healthy. Mybe your son can pic another from your next clutch- it won't replace darwin, but it may make him feel better.
((((((((((((( Catherine ))))))))))))))))

My condolences, darlin'. Without a doubt, Tabasco was a special one.

I'm so sorry for you and Darwin. I hope when he's feeling better about all of this, he'll pick out another wonderful snake and be just as happy. No snake will ever be Tabasco, but he can love another snake just the same.