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Rodents as pets?


New member
When i was younger, i had hamsters.
But now that i have "moved on" so to speak to my snake and watching other things eat hamsters, mice and rabits they just dont seem like pets.
Ive heard of people that have snakes and mice for pets.
I think that would bother me...
I have rats as pets and I LOVE them!
They are so affectionate and intelligent, kind of like very spastic short-lived dogs. The worst thing about them is their short life spans.
Sure, it bothers me that rats are used as snakefood.
But as long as they aren't subjected to any uneccesary suffering, I can live with it. I don't like it when ANY creature is not treated humanely...but ratties are special!

I only feed thawed mice, and my snakes are healthy and beautiful. So its all good!
I have a hamster in the same room as my snakes. I had a rat as well but he recently passed on. They were around before I got into snakes so theres no reason for me to have felt that they should be cast aside as pets once I started feeding rodent prey items to my snake.
I fed a frozen rat once, and I just don't have the heart to do it again at least not any time soon, I feel that because of that I wouldn't be able to get a larger snake like I would have loved to some day, but I just don't have the heart and it's not right for me to keep an animal with requirements that I feel I might not be able to meet.
I have a pet mouse, Mocha, one shelf under my jungle corn, Rio. I also am currently engaged in the wholesale slaughter of wild mice who have invaded my home. :angry01: Every living thing has a purpose... some luck out and get to be pets... some are snake food... and some get electrocuted in my MouseZapper! Way of life....
I've had my snake almsot 3 years now and in that time i have owned rats, technically they were my brothers i liked them. But the smell was too much so i got rid of them so thats another downside is smell. It doesn't smell if you clean them veryoften but i never had the time for them so i had to get rid of them. but it wasn't awkward at all. Although it did feel alittle awkward feeding my snake infront of my rats
I still have a pet rabbit and want another pet gerbil at some point. But, I also used to have pet chickens and still ate chicken all the time. When we raised chickens, the hens were pets, the roosters were meat and that's just the way it was. I think I still am the same way towards rodents. The ones in the freezer are pet food, the one in the livingroom is a pet.. lol