E. g. guttata
Her name was Mary-9/17/05
Alrighty then. I have heard of ruby-eyed ghosts, lavenders, and ultramels, but I have yet to see a good picture of they eyes of said snakes. I would like to see adult pictures of the eyes of these ruby-eyed snakes. Unfortunately for me, I'm wondering if a snow of mine might be homo hypo as well, and I have noticed (especially recently) that his purdy pink eyes almost have an internal glow about them, completely different from my 7 year old amel. Both of these animals are male, and I don't think that there is that big of a difference between seperate animals that are amel, no matter what other genes are in there. I'm kinda hoping against hope that he is homo hypo, but I don't know if I want to have that extra gene in my colony's mix quite yet, I barely have enough room for the snakes I already have! LOL