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Ruby the Amel


New member
We have had Ruby for a few months now. I just never got any decent pictures to post of her. She lives at my boyfriend's house. But I consider his animals mine as well as I take care of them too and love them just as much as my own kids. We joke that we have joint custody lol!

Anyway her little tail is a mess. Shane got her from a guy he works with. The guys daughter would not take care of the snake or feed it. So he asked Shane if he would take it. So now we have another snake. She came to use with several layers of stuck shed on her tail and flakes all over her body. We soaked her and got most of it all. A good half inch of her tail has fallen off. We think she was around 3 months or so when we got her this past June.

Anyway, I got some pictures and I'd like to introduce, Ruby (haven't probed so she may be a he).





I would also like to point out a place on her head. It looks like a scale is missing. However it has always been like that. I don't know if the scale is missing or just doesn't have pigment and looks like it's missing. What do you guys think?
what a pretty and lucky girl she is!

I'm not much of a fan of red eyed snakes, but I do LOVE her swirly looking saddles! she has some neat markings!

I honestly can't stand people that treat animals as toys, its a life not something that can just be forgotten..:(
I'm glad your boyfriend and you took him/her in! that snakes lucky to have you.. :eek:
What a beautiful snake, I love those extended strips of white on her middle! I'm glad she has finally found a caring home.
Thanks guys. She is super sweet and my boyfriend loves having such a sweet snake. He also has a kingsnake. Thought I think he is sweet, Shane is wary of him because the Jack likes to chew on him. Its not a defensive bite and not really hunger. He will stop and sniff Shane's arm or hand, slowly open his mouth and chomp down. He never does that to me. My boyfriend must just taste good! So he is very happy to have a snake that doesn't think to taste him lol!