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Russian Tortoise Hatching!!

Justin Guyer

New member
It is a damn good thing that I don't throw eggs out that don't look bad because it has been over a month ago that my first Russian Tortoise egg hatched and I found the second one hatching just this morning.



I still have two eggs left to hatch.
Congrats on the hatchlings. Can't wait to see pics of the little ones as they grow.
Thanks so much for sharing them with us,
Hopefully its out soon and the others hatch out ok. I don't have the first one from this clutch anymore. I sold it to the local college biology professor to use as a classroom pet.

I'm really glad that this second one finnally started breaking out of the egg. I was really wanting to hold onto some of these for a while while waiting for them to grow to legal sale size. It would be terrible to have a few baby tortoises around...lol.
Yay! Congrats!! Can't wait to see more pics... I'm really, quickly, falling in love with these guys... =)
I took some more photos, just got to get them on the computer. The little fella is doing great!

The Russians are awesome! Talk about personality in a herp! I really like my adult pair and I hope that I will be able to get them to breed consistantly. They didn't do anything in '08 but this year everything worked out.