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Sad day


New member
I just had to get this off my chest to people who I know can feel my pain. Earlier this year while I was trying to figure out my breeding plans for the season, I saw Rich's pictures of his amazing lav bloods and knew I had to try for those. I got one clutch of eggs that would have all been lav blood hets, and from the start I knew it was bad news, as half the clutch were slugs. Then I got to watch as over 60 days the good eggs went bad one by one (another clutch in the same incubator had 100% hatch so I know it wasn't the temps/humidity). Yesterday, day 66, there was 1 good egg left, and it pipped. I saw the slit but I never saw a nose. This morning I decided to cut it open and sure enough, there was a fully formed hatchling, dead in the egg. :nope: I just wanted to cry. Next year I am going to try with a different pairing, and hopefully won't be so frustrated and sad.
I am so sorry to hear that Elaphe Mo - you really did get a batch (or clutch) of bad luck there. No matter how much we will it, we can't argue with nature. At least your adults are all fine and you can continue to work with them again next year.

Best Wishes, Skye
Sorry for the bad Luck, From all of us out there who are small time and buying snakes from small and medium size breeders, I want to say thanks for not nursing those little snakes to only grow up to be problem snakes. I know it was hard to watch happen but I think you did the right thing.
Peace Paul
I feel your pain

:eek1: I found my one and only pastel motley from 2 het parents the same way today. I guess there'll be next year. My condolences.