i was recenty at a petco by my house getting some fuzzies of my corns. when i went over to look at the reptiles and i saw a snow corn, which was in bad shape. it was about 19 inches lond and very thin with like 2 layers of shed still on it. i felt do bad for him. then i read the price sigh which said marked down form 39.99 to 19.99 so i asked the worker if he had been eating. and he say oh ya he hust eat 2 days ago. in my mind i knew he was lying, so i purchsed the snake. when i got home i tried feed him an fuzzie
but he refused he was very weak to. so i put him in his cage and he just sat there. so i went to bed. the next day i found him dead.
but he refused he was very weak to. so i put him in his cage and he just sat there. so i went to bed. the next day i found him dead.