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Safe to use Water?


New member
I know I'm supposed to use de chlorinated water for them, but i wanted to know if it would be safe to use water from our creek. We have a flowing one right behind our house. The water looks clear but obviously i'm no expert as to whether is safe. Just wondering.
I'd be inclined to vote against it

Not that snakes in the wild don't regularly drink water from such sources, but it's hard to know what micro-organisms might live in it. Boiling should render it much safer, but there is still the concern that the pH, hardness, etc. would be unsuitable for drinking. You can leave a bucket of tap water uncovered for 24 hours and chlorine will dissapate to the point that it is safe to drink.
Thanks. I know all about the tap water and that's what I'm doing now. Wasn't really planning on getting it but just somethin I wanted to know. Never hurts to know lol. Thanks again
You can actually get crypto from contaminated water sites. Just thought I'd add that as not long ago we were told not to drink tap water because of a crypto outbreak. The contamination was thought to have come from comtaminated cattle faeces leeching into the river.
My snakes do fine on tap water right out of the faucet. I checked the ph a while back and it was not acidic at all.:)
Boil the water...

The act of Boiling the water will render even hard to kill cryptosporidium occysts harmless.
A traditional low tech purification method, but very, very effective at killing microbiological life...
[Lobsters too. ;) ]

Back in the early seventies, I was camped out in my Tipi at ten-eleven thousand feet high or so, just outside of Rocky Mountain National park where we had a natural spring as a water source with our camp located a couple hundred feet below the spring where it trickled on through camp.
We didn't bother boiling our water...being Gods country and gods pure water and all, well to make a short story long I and others got hepatitis that summer from that pure mountain water.
You never know what may have happened upstream. In my case, as we found out later, a visitor who had hepatitis decided to "clean up" at the spring and ignorantly /unknowingly contaminated our water supply.

The moral of the story is one should/ could probably assume that ALL raw untreated water is active with biological activity (no matter where you are) and should be properly rendered safe before drinking by captive cornsnakes or by man. :)