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Anyone else in the path of this hurricane/freak storm?

I'm in southern Maryland, so I'm literally directly in her path, and frankly a little worried. This is my first year with snakes, and I'm almost positive that I'm going to end up losing power, considering what everyone has been saying about this storm. Last year during Irene, my house was out of power for a full week, and obviously this year I have snakes to worry about.

I share a home with my mother and, even if we had a working generator, the last thing it would go to power would be my snakes heat-pads, but rather our three giant chest freezers.

So any advice on what I can do should the power go out for more than a few days? I better ask this question now before I have no way to get on the internet either :mad:

And anyone else preparing for this? I am frankly rather irritated cause I thought the hurricane season would be officially over by now in my area, haha.

I just can't believe that I may have to go through this again a second year in a row, hurricanes up this far are just so rare.
Well, you could stop feeding them so they won't need to digest during the time that you might lose power. It's close to brumation anyway. They'll still need access to clean water though. It's not the best solution, but it'll probably get you through the storm.

Good luck!
If you just have corns and other non tropical snakes, you should be fine. I see that your temps are forecast just above freezing at night for the next several days, and in the '50s during the day. So if your house is closed up, it should stay well above freezing - probably in between the daytime high and night low temps. Just be sure all snakes have empty stomachs. You could always buy some of the 12 or 24 (or even 36) hour heat packs that we use for shipping, especially if you have anything tropical. Or move anything tropical to a friend's house who gets the power back right away. It doesn't hurt to stock up on those heat packs, though. You might get a winter storm when it is REALLY cold, and then you will be happy you have them!
Yes I just have corns, and that's great to know that I shouldn't have to worry too much about heat considering the time of year. I was freaking out a bit about that, lol.

I also definitely did not plan to feed anyone if the power went out and not until it came back on for a day or two, just to be safe.

I'm praying that it won't be as bad as they say it's going to. Maybe I'll luck out this year considering the hurricane last year and the tree that decided to take a nap on my house :awcrap:
I wouldn't feed at all if you think the power MIGHT go off. It takes a few days to digest, so you want completely empty stomachs a few days BEFORE the power goes off. It won't hurt them to go a few extra days without food if the power is never an issue after all.
I have an army of 12 hour heat packs ready for Sandy. Heat kills reptiles before cold. As long as your temps are not below the 30's, while your snakes will be cold, they should be able to sustain. The biggest thing is watching for URI's after your heat returns.
Sorry, I hadn't meant to imply that I would be feeding anyone *until* the power went out. I cut everyone off a few days ago in preparation.

I think a couple are giving me dirty looks o.e
From the last forecast I saw Sandy is headed straight through Lancaster and into Harrisburg, so I am almost directly in the path. I fed last Sunday and they wont eat again until after the storm. I have my snakes in my basement to I am moving my boas and pythons upstairs so they shouldnt get too cold if we lose power, and im sure we will.
From the last forecast I saw Sandy is headed straight through Lancaster and into Harrisburg, so I am almost directly in the path. I fed last Sunday and they wont eat again until after the storm. I have my snakes in my basement to I am moving my boas and pythons upstairs so they shouldnt get too cold if we lose power, and im sure we will.

This one is going to hurt ...everyone!! I hope to not lose power for more than a few days since I don't have city water. But I did fed the snakes a few days ago. Gave than an extra meal.

This projected pass hasn't change for alot. I live in Cape May county...I'm going to be surrounded by water and if I get called in, I won't be home til Wednesday.
Blessing to everyone.

It feels kind of strange for me here in Florida hoping all you up north get through a hurricane unscathed. It does look like it's going to get pretty messy up there. Good luck to you all.
Matt, is there a place you can buy heat packs, like a sporting goods store? You know, hand warmers? If needed, you can activate them and put them in deli cups (with holes) so the snake can't come in direct contact, but they will still get air.
We have heat packs at the ready and have moved all the reptiles into the main den area. Should we lose power, my partner and I have an air mattress set up on the floor and have candles set up. The snakes and geckos I'm not worried about, as they should be fine in lower temps. My big female dragon cuddles up to the dog anyway, so he'll keep her warm. The frilled I'll probably keep warm in my sweatshirt and the male bearded will probably stick with the OH. We lost power last year and this plan worked well, but it's Tyrion the frilled that will be most affected by the cold.
Hahaha thats interesting.

For Sandy what Im doing is putting the snakesnin the basement since it stays at an even temp even with no ac. But I do also have a few back warmers(same as hand ones but bigger).

Hopefully everyone will be alright and your snakes stay fine too.
Well its starting here and we just got a phone call from PPL saying to expect your power to be out for a week. Good luck to everyone here that is in the area of Sandy!
Jdog- your basement isn't going to flood, is it??

Be careful you guys- sorry you have to go through this, especially when it's so cold out.
The rivers are even high in Ohio. It's cold, rainy, and super windy, but nothing compared to the people actually near the coast! I hope everyone makes it through.