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Scale rot? Please help


New member

I noticed a little while ago that Pretzel had a few sort of grey scales on her, but I didn't think much of it. She now has a few more, spread out all over her, but mostly on her neck. I'm not sure if they've always been there and I'm just noticing now or if they are something more, and it is driving me insane from worrying!
She has not shed in a while, although I'm not sure how long it has been but I will definitely start keeping track. I'm wondering if this would have anything to do with why she isn't eating?
I'm sorry if these are somewhat dumb questions but I don't know and need more information on the topic!
Thank you in advance.
No, not a dumb question. I really don't know. I'm hoping someone who has experience with this weighs in.

Pretzel's color is so beautiful. Best wishes.
Even though a bit of insanity is a requirement to be a snake owner don't go insane over worrying about her scales just yet ;)
Color in the scales is actually in the skin below. Maybe she is just going grey with age haha. Seriously though I would wait to see what they look like after the next shed. It could be hormonal possibly in relationship to going into the shed cycle.
I've got an adult black rat snake that I rescued with scales like this, when I took her to a very highly regarded vet he did a thorough exam of her and made no mention of her scales, so maybe it's normal? Who knows keeps us updated! I've been keeping an eye on mine waiting for her next shed to see what happens.