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Scale Suggestions


New member
I am in the market for a scale. I am looking for something that is not going to break my bank account but I want something that wont die on me in a couple uses.

Does anyone have any good suggestions for a scale that I can get in Canada?
There's one that Nanci posts all the time, and raves about (because it's fantastic). I just can't remember the name at the moment, but I'll be sure to get back to you with that within a very short time.

EDIT: Found it! :D Also, This website is having a sale on them!
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The 7001DX that Robbie posted is a great scale. I bought one from the same site running the sale and it has been reliable for almost two years now. One note, however: don't plan on using rechargeable batteries in it, since they are slightly larger than traditional batteries and the compartment won't accomodate them. I recommend buying the AC adapter, sold separately.
The 7001DX that Robbie posted is a great scale. I bought one from the same site running the sale and it has been reliable for almost two years now. One note, however: don't plan on using rechargeable batteries in it, since they are slightly larger than traditional batteries and the compartment won't accomodate them. I recommend buying the AC adapter, sold separately.

In the Google Checkout section on the second website, it has the silver version plus A/C adapter for $29.90 plus shipping (which came out to $37.85 total). Just FYI. :D
So I took the plunge and ordered the scale that everyone likes from the website with the AC adapter.....I had a budget for like 100 bucks so I can't really pass us a deal for one that lots of people suggest and one that is WELL in my price range...Now I wonder how long it will take to get here....
These are the two scales I like the most, from Old Will Knot Scales:

The My Weigh Triton T2-300 will weigh up to 300 grams. It is great for hatchlings and mice.

The My Weigh 7001-DX weighs up to 7000 grams. It's great for yearlings on up (it can weigh hatchlings, but is only accurate to 1 gram, as opposed to the .5 grams of the T2), and also works great for getting weights on FedEx shipments! You can also get an AC adaptor for this scale, which is really nice.

My Weigh Scales have a lifetime warranty, and also a great trouble-shooting guide on-line. To use the lifetime warranty you WILL need your receipt and warranty card that comes with the scale, so make sure to keep those in a safe place.
awesome, I got the 7000 one so that will last me forever. I am getting a hatchling so I will just keep close eye on the weight if it is not as accurate.
I also have the My Weigh 7001DX, and I also love it. :D It really is worth the money. I would suggest buying the AC adapter as well, so you don't have to worry about eating through batteries.

Before I bought that one, though, I just used a food scale with a tupperware. Worked just as well, though didn't look quite as classy. (That, and I couldn't keep it in my snake area. LOL!)
THEY ARE OUT OF STOCK IN THAT ONE!! Does anyone have any other suggestions that I get get on that website? saveonscales.com???