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That scale would be fine. The only thing you may want to look at is how accurate the scale is. That scale is accurate to 1 gram. You could probably find a scale that is accurate to .1 gram. Ebay is a good place to buy one. The one I bought was about $18 total. I think is was $2 + about $15 and change for shipping.
This is the one I have:

Digiweigh BX-Series 500x0.1 Gram Digital Pocket Scale

But there are lots of others that are good also. Look at Haddaways other scales. They carry a lot.
I just bought a Haddaway scale over eBay, and about 3 other people in one of my threads stated that they happily have the same (WeighMax -- up to 2000 g, +-1 g...) scale...I paid $19 for mine ($3.25 on auction + whatever else in s/h...I'm too tired to do the math...!).
1 gram accuracy is fine for corn snakes. More accurate scales tend to have a smaller maximum weight, so may not be useful when your snake gets larger.

The only time you really need .1 g accuracy is maybe for weighing really small pinkies, or other non-snake related substances =)
Flagg said:
1 gram accuracy is fine for corn snakes. More accurate scales tend to have a smaller maximum weight, so may not be useful when your snake gets larger.

The only time you really need .1 g accuracy is maybe for weighing really small pinkies, or other non-snake related substances =)

Mmmmm, like diamonds? ;)