LOL @ Pepper!!!
@ Bluckey: Don't worry about her being "scared", she is having a bit of a sensory overload at the moment! She should calm down a lot more in a week or two. Snakes tend to work on a very extended time line so we tend to get a bit impatient with them. I'd also advise you to handle your new guy only in a week or so, in the long run it will be beneficiary to its health.
About three weeks ago I got in a batch of 7 hatchlings for my collection, in my over eagerness I handled them a bit much, some of them took it in their stride and just went on with their lives like nothing happened, two of them did not take it so well however, both of them regurgitated their first meals (after +/- 40 hours, the smell alone is one of the worst I've ever encountered!), after I left them alone for a week or so (and I mean NO contact whatsoever, except for water changes) I fed them again and voila, ate like champs. I handled both of them beforehand and both where "calm", come a day later and the one had regurgitated again. The problem with double regurges is that they deplete their stomach acids which are crucial for them to digest their meals, if they cannot digest their meals they will regurge again and again. This is a very life threatening situation and is a real pain in the but to sort out, trust me! (It almost put me off keeping snakes)
Each and every snake that I have had and still own have their own unique temperament, some would be friendly as anything whilst others would be more aggressive than Mike Tyson when his testosterone got overloaded! The trick is just figuring it out and then accepting it, some love to be handled and others never really settle down.
Sorry for writing such an essay here, but thought it would also add to the "Why can't I handle my snake from day one?" question that all of us have asked before! :lol:
Hope it helped!