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Walter Smith

Well no scratches really, but there are a couple dents (Kinks).

Unfortunately every now and again we (breeders) hatch snakes that will have kinks,
however sometimes the kinks are not that bad and do not affect the snakes normal everyday life and functions.

That's where these two fall. They each have a kink, but are thriving just as any other snakes in my collection.
They shed, drink, feed, and pass their meals with no problems at all.

Dispite their slight imperfections, they would still make GREAT pets and are being offered at a discounted price.
Actually, the male could more than likely still sire a clutch on neonates with no problem. Here is what they are.

Male ~ 2015 Caramel Shatter (Sunkissed Cinder) 66% ph Amel
PRICE: $250 plus shipping.......SOLD !!

Female ~ 2015 Tessera Topaz
PRICE: $100 plus shipping

NOTE: arrows in pics. indicate location of kinks.

If interested, please EMAIL me at: [email protected]

Thanks, Walter
:crazy02:BOUT' CORNS !!


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