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Second Clutch Hatching!

Wendy's second clutch is hatching. First one to peek its nose out was a snow. In the first clutch, there were NO normals out of 14 eggs. In this one, I see like 3 or 4 normals out of 8 eggs. Genetics are amazing! I will post pics soon.
Gosh! I can't remember seeing photos of the first clutch and now you've got a second! Awesome!
Wendy is my female snow cornsnake. She is my favorite because she is so laid back. Double Z, on the other hand...he is one wild boy!
Two left peeping from their eggs! A normal and a curious little snow. So far, 4 normals, 2 amels and 2 snows. No anerys this clutch. Just wonder what my step sis did with my camera....