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Second snake, not even a corn..


New member
Well, I knew it was inevitable. I knew once I got one snake, I was going to want another. I just thought, ya know, it'd be another corn.

Nooope! Not the case here. A friend of mine had to get rid of this beauty because he was moving and where he was moving didn't allow reptiles.

So, meet Tetra. An asian vine snake. Not an easy snake, but I'm up for the challenge and have been doing my research for quite awhile (I have actually wanted one of these for awhile, I just didn't think I'd be getting one so soon).

Oddly enough, it was my mothers idea that I take him. I knew snakes would grow on her!!

I know, it's not the best of pictures, but he's a super hard snake to take photo's of. He blends in with everything in his terrarium.

Thanks. I understand 100% that this is not an easy snake. They're very fragile and normally don't do well in captivity, but no one would take him. I would rather I have him, where I'm willing to try and keep him comfortable and stable, whereas have him be with someone who doesn't know a thing about them.

Thank you though! I'm very excited about this new challenge :]
Awesome snake! Best of luck with him! Please keep us updated on him. My husband really wants one but we have decided that the care is just too hard.
Probably WC? If I remember correctly from my research on them, they have never successfully bred them in captivity.
My friend had him for about 6 months before he had to move and was unable to take him with. He eats lizards, which is a pain since I buy mice in bulk, but I'll make it work. And from what I've heard they never were bred in captivity so I'm going to go with WC. But he's a cool snake, very docile and a treat to just watch. I'm excited to see how this unfolds :]
We used to get these guys once in a while at the reptile store I worked in. They're a challenge, but not impossible to keep happy, and such attractive little snakes! Have fun with him!
Thanks a bunch! I've been watching him drink up dew drops off his plants for like 10 minutes now and I couldn't be happier! Lol
I think there are a few companies that will ship lizards for use as feeders, I've never needed them myself so I can't attest to quality, but I imagine being able to buy 25+ lizards at a time is better then having to catch them or whatever.
Are the bulk lizards F/T or live, when they ship them? Being lizard eaters was one of the main reasons we decided not to get one. (for now, anyway)
If you could find a steady, reasonably priced way to aquire food for them, that would help a lot. I'd thought about maybe setting up a colony of Mourning geckos to breed your own but I'm not sure how fast they reproduce and how many you would need to maintain for one snake. Plus, I'm slightly squeamish about feeding reptiles to other reptiles, kind of silly, I know.
I think it just depends on who you get them from, but I imagine live might be better since you can gut load them, like crickets lol

I'd just do a google search for "Feeder Lizards"
One of the biggest reasons I took him in was because my friend wasn't able to get him to eat. He was getting feeder lizards for him and for awhile he was eating them, then he just wouldn't. I think a big reason he wasn't eating was the environment he was in. My friend loved this snake a lot, but he hadn't ever had a snake before and this one was sort of dropped on him unexpectedly. Now, this is a 19 year old guy with no experiences with snakes, living on his own. Tetra was on display in the living room, and well, many parties took place in that house. I'm hoping now that he's with me, in a quiet room where there aren't a billion people looking at him and loud noises everywhere, that his stress level will come down and he'll be able to enjoy a meal again.
From reading about them, it sounded like a few people had managed to get them onto mice but it wasn't at all easy to do.