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Securing a Rubbermaid Bin for Baby Corn?


New member
Hi I just got a young corn snake a few weeks ago (about 14 inches long) and I've been housing her a in a Rubbermaid bin. She was fine in there till about a week ago and then started getting out. I've realized that the gap between the lid and the bin is just barely big enough for her to squeeze through. After the first time she got out I wrapped tape around the lid to block off the gaps...haven't had a snake before so didn't realize the poor thing would get super tangled in the tape. Now I'm not sure what to do. I know I should just buy her a more secure enclosure but I'm hoping someone might have some ideas for ways to block the gap so I don't have to buy a new cage? I thought of maybe making some sort of thing like a draft stopper for doors, but make it rectangular to fit the bin? Any ideas would be great!
If you can find a Ziploc brand weathertite bin and poke air holes in the sides, particularly with a hot screwdriver or soldering iron, they are fantastic and pretty well impossible for babies to escape from. I think I found mine at Walmart?
Can you take a picture of the gap? Having a hard time imagining it.

One way to keep the lid secured to the bin is to use binder clips. They'll pull the lip of the bin against the lid and will hold the lid down.

I use luggage straps from Walmart to hold the lid down on my bins, but they're really big. If you're using a small container, you can try getting long strips of velcro from the sewing section. Wrap those around the container with the lid on so that it can't be pushed up, even if there is a gap (assuming I'm thinking of the right gap).

For a small snake, you could probably get away with using books or something heavy on top of the lid to hold it down. Just keep in mind that snakes are pretty strong and have all day to spend exploring and figuring out how to escape.

If these are good solutions for you, try posting a pic of your setup, I know someone will have an idea.
I agree with Amanda47, binder clips are the way to go. Plus they are cheap!!!

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I'll third the binder clips idea. You can use a bunch of them if you really want to be on the safe side.
Okay thank you guys for the help! I'll try out the binder clips, if not I guess I'm going to Walmart
If you can find a Ziploc brand weathertite bin and poke air holes in the sides, particularly with a hot screwdriver or soldering iron, they are fantastic and pretty well impossible for babies to escape from. I think I found mine at Walmart?

This! :iagree:

I keep everything in these... even my hots (primary interest and specialization)... but of course all of those have dual padlocks as well! ;)

Here are a few pics of my Ziploc brand that Dragonling is referring to... They work perfect as-is with some vent holes notched in with a soldering iron for nots... and just as good for hots with padlocks added!


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