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Serious Issue!! Please help!!

Lavman breeder

New member
Ok, My male candycane has bred my female Candycane a couple of times and today I put him in one last time since he has no one else I'm breeding him to, just to up the odds of her becoming gravid. He did his thing and pulled out with more blood than usual. The problem is that his hemipene was and is still swollen and became covered in aspen bedding. I took him out and washed it off with lukewarm water and placed him in an empty tub with no substrate. It has been 3 hours now and his (unit) is still out and swollen and appears to be causing him some major discomfort. I really do not have the money to take him to a reptile vet.

Any ideas?


Yes, I found it from the previous article...thx Kalena. I will follow the steps and hope for the best. The last time I had this happen was around 5 years ago. My albino Cal king male bred my Albino Cal King female and they were stuck together for 3 days!! Finally I carefully pulled them apart which was not fun at all...His engorged hemipene went back in within minutes and she ended up laying a nice clutch.
I thought dogs were the only ones who got stuck together! I may have to deal with that with my snakes, too, someday?! LOL
That piece I wrote basically has everything you can attempt... but time is of essence here... you cannot afford to wait more time.

try the following:
1- apply a sugar paste(a bit of sugar mixed with water) or honey and see if there's any effect- Osmosis should make the fluids causing the swelling to leave the hemipene- if it goes down in size, with a big probe(not a small one- a big one that cannot puncture the tissue) try and gently coaxing the hemipene back inside(the right direction is down towards the tip of the tail.

2- if that doesn't work, try using a bit of ice- that should help with the swelling.

3- a salve against hemorrhoids- it may sound funny, but it can actually help -allot- with reducing the tissue's swelling -and- it is a mild antibiotics against infections.

If those methods do not work- you need to see a vet- with all haste. If you can show the vet this article(as I worked with a vet on it all) it may save you allot of time and perhaps even save your snake- great care should be given to the dosage of the anesthetics- the use of a small catheter to reinsert the hemipene was very efficient... sadly we didn't come up with it immidiately.
What ended up killing Spiritus(the Boa who had the hemipene prolapse) was the recovery from the anesthetics- go to a vet who -knows- their stuff.

I hope the first two suggestions will work out though and save the need for amputation/surgery.

If you have to wait until you can go too see a vet(time is of an essence here mate... do not linger unless there's no way around it) keep the tissue moist at all times- a salve for hemorrhoids being applied would be the best option as the antibiotics will give a much needed added protection...

Best of luck, keep us posted.
I had put a moist towel in his bin and went back in to add some sugar water and the issue had corrected itself. Thank you all for your quick and very informative information. Now I will know what to do if and when this happens again! :)

I had put a moist towel in his bin and went back in to add some sugar water and the issue had corrected itself. Thank you all for your quick and very informative information. Now I will know what to do if and when this happens again! :)


I hope it doesn't repeat itself. I would, if I were you, retire this male from further breeding this year- it may end up repeating itself and not so quickly correct itself.

Glad it helped.

yeah, We are lucky!:) I won't be breeding him anymore as he has done his duty and I have just one Candycane female that should definitely be gravid.