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Server move happening SOON!

Rich Z

Staff member
The new server is ready, so I will need to shut down this site for the duration. Not sure how long it will be down.
Oh so happy to hear that on Friday a young lady showed me her boobs before I was able to click off the site. Where are the guys????
Where are these "nekked" people I keep hearing about?
I just keep getting adds for reptile stuff! ... and resume builders. Jerk advertisers.

The security guy needs to do some work before he commence with the site transfers. Apparently there were some executables hacked on the old server that would have prevented the Cpanel transfer. And I presume he is checking out the new server to make sure it is solid.

There probably won't be much warning when I get the word to shut down the sites to begin the transfer. But I'll do the best I can.

Wish this had taken place over the weekend when traffic is slower.
I just got transfered to AFF and they have shut down the link saying that it is against the terms and conditions of the advertising bla bla bla. So at least if anyone gets redirected in the mean time they shouldnt be seeing naughty images. That makes me feel better for the kids on the site.
Yeah, I just got something like that myself. Maybe the redirect site itself got shut down.

In any event, the server move has turned into a big bucket of snot. Even though I told the security guy the brand and model of the SSD drives on Saturday BEFORE I paid and OK'd the server to be built, NOW he is saying that they will have problems. Then he complains about the RAID controller. So now he is saying he refuses to manage my server for me. Yeah, cool, tell me this AFTER I already paid for it. :bang:

So I'm back to square one. I've just GOTTA stop pissing people off who come to me wanting to buy my sites. That's sounding more and more like a real good idea to me lately.

Might have to give those old valiums I've had in my desk drawer since 2007 a try tonight....
Sigh.... Apparently the server people are building another server for me. I don't have ANY specs on it, so no telling what they are coming up with.

This has turned out to be a colossal headache even before the actual site moves are taking place. I can't WAIT to see what is in store for me later on.... :toiletgra

On a more sobering note, I have been trying to set things up such that if I should suddenly and unexpectedly expire, Connie would be able to keep things running so that the sites would continue and she would still have the income from the sites helping her out. Things like making sure that both payments in and out are going through PayPal so she wouldn't have to worry about keeping the bills paid. Heck, I'm having problems with PayPal right now where payments through them to this site aren't updating the accounts here, so I've had to do that manually. I'm hoping that the server move will fix this, but if not, heck, got another problem to try to sort out. So honestly, no way she could handle this sort of crap I'm now going through. Heck, I kinda sorta know what I am doing (or at least TRYING to get done) and it's about to make MY head explode. So, hate to say it, but when I expire, then so will my sites.

Hopefully that won't be any time soon.... Well, unless THIS crap I've been going through the last few days just does me in......

Haven't felt the chest pains over this that I used to get when I was stressed out working with the animals. I SERIOUSLY thought that was going to kill me some times.
At least retirement is not too boring for you, lol!

Maybe you could try to sell a half interest (or 49%, maybe) in the sites to some computer / reptile person so that Connie could continue if you are unable to do so yourself? There is so much accumulation of interesting stuff on these sites that it would be nice to know it would still be there after all of us are gone.
At least retirement is not too boring for you, lol!

Maybe you could try to sell a half interest (or 49%, maybe) in the sites to some computer / reptile person so that Connie could continue if you are unable to do so yourself? There is so much accumulation of interesting stuff on these sites that it would be nice to know it would still be there after all of us are gone.

That's a REALLY good idea, I think. Kathy's absolutely right about the volume of useful material on here - I'd hate to think it would all go away. Of course, we would miss you too, Rich...:poke:
Well, the word is that my new new server is just about ready. Of course, I won't know for a bit if the security guy is happy with it.

So we'll see. If this site goes completely kaput because the move goes way wrong and destroys everything (probably won't, but I don't have a whole lot of faith in my luck lately), it's been nice knowing you all. Well, most, certainly not all........ :rofl:
At least retirement is not too boring for you, lol!

Maybe you could try to sell a half interest (or 49%, maybe) in the sites to some computer / reptile person so that Connie could continue if you are unable to do so yourself? There is so much accumulation of interesting stuff on these sites that it would be nice to know it would still be there after all of us are gone.

Not likely. Business partnerships seem to NEVER work out. All it would likely do is to give me yet another headache plus the worry that said "partner" would cheat Connie when I am gone, knowing that she would never know any differently.

Not sure what the answer is. I am trying to make everything as self contained as I can so the sites will run without any intervention at all. I did post a message in the moderator's forum about how to contact my programmer if something happens to me, so he could handle a lot of the problems. Maybe he would be the best choice to help Connie keep this running on a monthly retainer.

Ah heck, who knows? Maybe I'll wind up outliving all of you. It would be nice to be able to aggravate everyone for all eternity, I suppose....
Well, hell..... I don't know what the security guy is doing, but it's been nearly 24 hours since he was given access to the new server. :headbang:
Well, apparently it's not any problems with the new server. The old server had gotten so hacked up that he is having troubles getting the automated Cpanel migration tools to work.