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she finally ate after 2 months!!!


New member
but did i doom myself?! :blowhead:

So after having my baby cornsnake for 2 months and trying everything to get it to eat (scenting, a pinky head, live, f/t, tuna, feeding in its viv, feeding in a seperate container, and even feeding on top of an in use drying machine!) i was ready to give up. Today I went to pet smart to pick up some supplies for my fish tank, I was chatting with one of the girls who knows me as a regular and we were by the reptile tanks when we saw a baby anole on the floor (it looked like a big cricket). After a little while, we caught it and she said I could have it since it wasn't in the store's inventory, and they have a female anole that keeps laying eggs. When I got home, I set up a little tank for it with water and twigs n stuff, to try and actually take care of it, and in a freak accident of it trying to get away and me trying to catch it...i accidently killed it :shrugs::confused::shrugs::( So instead of throwing it away or flushing it, i decided to put it in a deli cup and put my snake in with it...i put'm together, left them in a dark, and 15 minutes later, boom...the anole is gone!

So now i have so many questions! The size of the anole was super small, probably the thickness of my snake's tail, so I know overall...this isn't a very substantial first meal for her. When I try to feed her again, should I try an anole? Are Anole's as nutritious as mice? Should I buy an anole and keep it as a pet to scent pinkies and future mice? Tonight she seems really active in her viv (with previous snakes, I'm used to them going into hiding and relaxing after eating) so nothing seems to have changed with her. How long should I wait before trying to feed her again? Any advice at this point would be reallly appreciated!
That's great that she ate finally! I know others have kept an anole in the freezer to use for scenting pinks with great success before (edited to add, maybe you could try a live pinky next feeding)
Looks like you're going to have to buy an anole and NOT kill it, and use it to scent pinks with. Put the anole in a deli cup with the pink about an hour before you are going to feed and let the anole trample all over the pink. Then try that, fed, covered. I'd wait a good five days now to make sure she's nice and hungry.
alright! thanks for the support and tips! When the anole tramples the pinky, won't it turn all smushed and bloody? would it have the same effect if i rub the pinky against the anole?
Pinks hold up pretty well to anole trampling. Yes, you can rub the pink on the anole. Some people swear by having the anole bite the pink. (They will bite readily!!) If it sheds, save the shed!!
alrighty! thanks for all the tips nanci! i will definately try those tips next monday (5 days after eating)...i'll try to get an anole today and hope that it might shed from now until then if i'm lucky! haha
I read some one here would put a piece of the anole shed on the nose of the pinky and that was enough to get the snake to eat. I just can't remember the thread where it was mentioned.

Great that you got it eating!
woot woot! haha, thanks! I set up a little viv for an anole tonight so I'll be picking one up tomorrow...i'll keep you guys posted!