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New member
this may seem silly to so many long term snake owners but i have to ask as im a little worried about mine when they start to shed and break the skin on there head back to just behind there head how long should it take to shed the rest as my corn started a few days ago and hasant got very far ive had him since jan and this is his third shed but none have been done properly and both times befor i have had to use shed eazr on him as its come off in bits this time seems to be going in one but slowly the temp is 70f to 85f humidity 50% all other things seem fine :bang:
andy_771 said:
this may seem silly to so many long term snake owners but i have to ask as im a little worried about mine when they start to shed and break the skin on there head back to just behind there head how long should it take to shed the rest as my corn started a few days ago and hasant got very far ive had him since jan and this is his third shed but none have been done properly and both times befor i have had to use shed eazr on him as its come off in bits this time seems to be going in one but slowly the temp is 70f to 85f humidity 50% all other things seem fine :bang:


I filmed mine shedding from my phone. Once he had rubbed his nose & broken the skin it took 18 minutes!

Have you tried Lightly misting the viv with water ?

this works well I normally do it In the morning & once at night.
i have not tried this i have put him in his water bowl a couple of time to make him wet as he is very dry and baggy (as if his skin is to big for him) he rubs all over the viv do i just spray water all over the viv with a spray bottle and how much water thanks for the tip :cheers:
Im not sure if the remaining skin left over from previous sheds before this one, would of made it worse??

There will be Knowledgable that can answer you on that one :)
andy_771 said:
i have not tried this i have put him in his water bowl a couple of time to make him wet as he is very dry and baggy (as if his skin is to big for him) he rubs all over the viv do i just spray water all over the viv with a spray bottle and how much water thanks for the tip :cheers:

How is he in himself ? how long have you had him ? Is he Lathargic ?

sorry to ask loads of Q's

I usually mist the tops of the hides & sides of the viv, dont soak stuff, just enough to put some moisture in the air.

As for the baggy skin, again someone else should be able to tell you more on that one.. :)
he is fine in himself eating and moving have heard him alot at night lately i have made sure all the skin from the other sheds was off him so i dont think it was that the only other thing i can think of is i feed him once a week 2 pinks at the mo soon to go on fuzzies this is the feeding pattern the pet shop told me to do every sat (but nothing else they had told me was right) could i not be feeding him enough as i would hate to think i was starving him i just got him out and looked at him seemed fine with me apart from all the skin on him feels lose :shrugs:
andy_771 said:
he is fine in himself eating and moving have heard him alot at night lately i have made sure all the skin from the other sheds was off him so i dont think it was that the only other thing i can think of is i feed him once a week 2 pinks at the mo soon to go on fuzzies this is the feeding pattern the pet shop told me to do every sat (but nothing else they had told me was right) could i not be feeding him enough as i would hate to think i was starving him i just got him out and looked at him seemed fine with me apart from all the skin on him feels lose :shrugs:

How old is the snake ? mine are 5ft adults & i have only ever had them, never babies so im not sure.

The baggy skin sounds worrying a little, but I could be misunderstanding ?!?

I would wait for a more expert opinion, as lots of people on this forum have helped me lots in the past.. :cheers:

prehaps a trip to a specialist vet would tell you exactly what the prob/s are.

Good luck buddy
good luck
yes thanks i dont mean baggy skin in the sense of him being really skinny i mean sort of lose and only since he started to shed befor he was fine as far as i know seemed fine i mean like as he turns back on himself the skin folds like little ridges where its all lose hes been trying for three days now i think im going to shed eaze him again as this works really well and after the skin is gone he goes back to normal :cool:
see if the misting helps... one of mine had a 'bitty' shed, from then on misting twice a day did the trick. he had whole, complete sheds.

start from the day their eyes turn, try not to be too disrupting while they are shedding tho.

hope it works !
thanks next time he is in blue i will mist and hope he has a good shed i normally just leave him but wanted to have a look to check he seemed ok should shed in another month so wont have to wait long to see if misting works thanks for your help :cheers:
When mine shed, once they get their head done it only takes about 5-10 minutes. If yours still hasn't shed, I'd recommend soaking him well. What I do is to get a rubbermaid or sterlite container, put a towel in the bottom, and add lukewarm water (baby bath temp) just until the towel is soaked. Put the snake in and put the lid on. Put the whole thing on a human heating pad set to low and leave it for about 45 minutes. Then use a damp washcloth or towel and let the snake crawl through it. Lots of times this will get the retained shed off.

Good luck and if this doesn't work, come back and we'll try something else.
thanks i will try this right now as i think the sooner it is off him the better seems strange he cant do it on his own as i think the viv set up is pretty spot on as i have tryed quite hard to get good temps and humidity
thanks again :cheers: the bath thing worked a treat and i think it must be down to not enough moister in the air in his viv even with 50% humidity so the next time he is blue i will start misting the viv twice aday and hope all is well thanks again for both your help this site is great like that so many nice people all with the same intrest and even the most experianced will help the pure novice and i hope to be as helpfull as you all are oneday :cheers: :crazy02:
yes this is what i mean start to mist just after his eyes go blue as this is whaen he seems to start to try and shed and just mist till he has shed is this right :cool:
Just outa curiosity Andy, what sort of hygrometer are you using? I ask this because when I first got my snake, i went cheap and bought one of those dial thero/hygo combos. Turns out (after i boughta digital one), it was reading high by about 23%.

Hi Andy,

When I see one of my snakes go into blue I put a moist hide in with them. They love it. It's dampened moss in any hide that can retain moisture. It's pretty dry here in Utah, I've found that this is a great alternative and, most importantly, they LOVE it.

yes the humidity reader is a stick on one as that is the only one the pet store had since his bath he ha been fine im looking to get a digital temp/humidity reader as this would be more accurate he is so bright and smooth again and most of all happy he also ate his first fuzzy today which was interesting to watch :cool: