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Shedding Length

Russ Mc

New member
I am very sorry for this i know this question has most likely been asked before, but I have been searching the forums for quite a while and i can not find an answer to this question.

How long does it take for a baby corn to shed its skin. Also should the skin all come off in one piece

My baby Has been shedding for 2 nights and one day now I hope this is normal
Thank You All in advance for your knowledge
Russ Mc said:
How long does it take for a baby corn to shed its skin. Also should the skin all come off in one piece
My baby Has been shedding for 2 nights and one day now I hope this is normal
Shedding should be done in one day, and all should come off in one piece. If dead skin remains, your humidity may be too low. Try either providing a damp hide (damp paper towels work fine) or putting a couple inches of water in the sink and gently submerge his body while supporting him with your hand. He will probably shy away from the water and climb up your arm, but put him back a few times. It works well for me.
Weird...I thought I posted in here. Was my answer deleted? I didn't post anything bad. Weird...Unless....I didn't hit the "submit" button. I am tripping out lol. Can posts be deleted if they are wrong answers? I am pretty sure I was right. o_O...strange....
Okeetee_Corn_Snakes said:
Weird...I thought I posted in here. Was my answer deleted? I didn't post anything bad. Weird...Unless....I didn't hit the "submit" button. I am tripping out lol. Can posts be deleted if they are wrong answers? I am pretty sure I was right. o_O...strange....
It's unlikely that your post was deleted. More likely that you forgot to hit the button when you were done.
I gave her a a bath last night then i put her on some damp paper towels she looked liked she was trying to wiggle the skin off put it would not come off. So I placed the damp paper towel in the tank with her and went to bed. When I checked on her this morning her skin was about half way off. Is this a good sign or should I give her another bath today?
The shedding process should be a matter of minutes, or maybe even an hour or two, not days. You should put your snake in a plastic container, with holes, (like its feeding container) with a washcloth, with shallow lukewarm water (80F) (just deep enough to keep the washcloth wet- not deep enough to submerge the snake) and let the snake soak/wiggle in that for 20 minutes, then take the snake out and run him through the washcloth. The skin should peel off. If not, repeat. You _must_ make sure the shed is completely removed from the snake's tail. If left on, as the snake grows, the old skin will cut off circulation to the tail and the tail tip will fall off.

Russ Mc said:
I gave her a a bath last night then i put her on some damp paper towels she looked liked she was trying to wiggle the skin off put it would not come off. So I placed the damp paper towel in the tank with her and went to bed. When I checked on her this morning her skin was about half way off. Is this a good sign or should I give her another bath today?
It's good that it's coming off. Since it is, try using a damp washcloth or paper towel to wipe the rest off. Any dead skin that sticks can cause problems later, so make sure it all comes off.
I was reading this, and although I don't have anything else to say, but what has been said I'm a little confused. When you say "she has been shedding for 2 1/2 days now", do you mean she has been in blue, as in she has looked dull, or do you mean she has actually been trying to shed and has had pieces coming of for 2 1/2 days?
tbtusk said:
I was reading this, and although I don't have anything else to say, but what has been said I'm a little confused. When you say "she has been shedding for 2 1/2 days now", do you mean she has been in blue, as in she has looked dull, or do you mean she has actually been trying to shed and has had pieces coming of for 2 1/2 days?

Thats a very good point.
Ok, so if you are asking how long it takes from when your snake turns blue to when it actually sheds, about a week to ten days. Maybe a little longer. Right before the shed, the eyes will turn clear again and you may think the snake shed and you just can't find the old skin! The snake will shed in about 12-48 hours.

Ok the skin has been pealed back from her head for over three days now. Now the skin is about half way down her body most of it happened overnight last night. I have bathed her let her wiggle around on a damp washcloth, then i picked her up and let her run through the washcloth in my hands. I don't know if I am being to gentle with her, also should I be worried about this?
Worried about the shed? Yes, a little. I've read that sometimes this can be a sign of some other problem, if ur sure you've done everything else correctly, but I'm not sure about this. I just seem to remember that from a book. Don't be too worried, though. At the moment there's not a ton to worry about, and it seems the skin IS coming off, even if it is not how it normally comes off. Just be careful to get it all off, and keep soaking her and using the washcloth. If this not shedding thing persists I would start to get worried, just because it is not normal, and she is still growing in her half-shed, too-small old skin, which can't be comfortable.

Flare, one of my males, just had a shed, and I think humidity was a little low in his cage, so as he was shedding (I caught him in the act) I misted his body directly. If you do see your girl rubbing along her hide or climbing equipment just mist her directly to help her rub the skin off, but the wash cloth thing is just as good, and soaking should help immensely.

I hope the skin comes off!
Russ Mc said:
Ok the skin has been pealed back from her head for over three days now. Now the skin is about half way down her body most of it happened overnight last night. I have bathed her let her wiggle around on a damp washcloth, then i picked her up and let her run through the washcloth in my hands. I don't know if I am being to gentle with her, also should I be worried about this?
Could you put a wet washcloth and a (clean) half-brick or slightly rough rock in a tub with a few ventilation holes in the lid? The humidity will help and the snake can rub against the rock to help the process
Ok so bad news yesterday i went back to the pet store to ask for help and they gave me a litle box and told me to to put damp paper towels in there and out the snake in there and leave her for 6-8 hours by the heating lamp so i did this and checked on her abdout 6 hours later and she had died. that really sucked I had not even had her for a week yet, but the good news is that the pet store gave me a free snake because i had not had her very long.
I'm so sorry.

Well, I can tell you it's probably their fault the poor little guy died, not yours. The store told you to put it by a heat lamp which you should NEVER do. What happened is that the air in the small container you had him in continued to heat up since the container offered little ventilation compared to a tank and was set in a place where it was constantly being heated up. The poor little guy had no where to get away from the heat. Always, if leaving a snake alone AT ALL provide a cool spot at least for the snake to retreat into.

My first corn was left on the seat of my car for maybe 15 minutes at most in the summer and when I came back he had died of a heat stroke. That's a big danger for snakes if they have no where to cool off. The best way to deal with this when in small containers is to not provide any heating for the snake (unless of course the temp is low outside).

Again, I'm very sorry about the poor guy, but it was good you got another free. That's what happened with my first corn, and it's how I acquired Aurora, who's been a great snake, so hopefully your new one will be too!
K. I feel I should clear some stuff up.

bad shed = your cage setup is not right.(humidity)
- to fix this, cover up the screen on your lid
- add another waterdish
- place the waterdish near a heat source(more evaporation)
- add a humid hide

shedding(actual skin coming off) should only take 4-20 minutes...not 3 days

the whole "shed" cycle consists of faded colors - blue eyes - clear - shed. This whole cycle will last about 1 week- 3 weeks. depending on the snakes age.

If the shed does not come off properly. you should try to take it off immediately. Do this by putting it in a container with damp towels, and about half an inch of water. The shed might come off by itself, but if it doesnt, then peel it off yourself. The quicker you do this the better, cause if you wait to long. the shed gets stuck on the body good. and as the pet store people said. you should provide some kind of heat, cause if you leave it in a cold pile of water for 6 hours...it wont end up to good.
I'm sorry, I meant NEVER put them under a heat lamp that is not being controlled (thermostat/Rheostat) if they are in a "moist hide" kind of set up. For a thing of whater I totally agree. That would be horrible.

It's just I've heard of problems like that when people leave there snakes in direct sunlight or right under a heat lamp an the poor guy gets baked.