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New member
Here are a few pics of insects/snake food......I know....not for corns.


Going in for food.


The eagle has landed.


Poor little guy lost his wing. I was wondering why he wasn't camera shy. I didn't notice till I got home and downloaded the image.

Those pics are incredible...something I'd put on my wall (o:

Thanks for the kind words. I am just a novice at taking macro. Some of the better photographers on the web have truly amazing pics. If you would like the originals that are about 4 megabites, I could always email them to you. Posting these pics here does not allow me to post them with the detail they were actually taken in.
Wow, I love the fact that you can even see the details of the eyes...amazing. Very cool shots, keep up the good work!
Very cool. I love the one, flying. They look like little jewels.

Great detail on your photos... I wish I had a camera that good... Beautiful pics...

Wow, I love the fact that you can even see the details of the eyes...amazing. Very cool shots, keep up the good work!

Thanks everyone! It is funny I posted these pics and they are from last year and today I got my first shots the hover flies this spring. This must have brought me some good luck. They are still very tiny ( less than a 1/4 of an inch ) but they should be full grown adults in no time and much easier to shoot. Here is a shot from today. And RavenSpirit360 it is not the camera, it is the lens and lots and lots of practice.
