I got my snake just over 3 months ago, on February 13th, 2011. Not sure how old she is, but she is about 13-14" long, and roughly an inch wide at her widest. When I got her she was eating one pinkie at a time twice a week, and she moved up to two pinkies at a time pretty quickly, eating every 5 days. Now the two pinkies barely give him a belly bulge. So, I tried feeding him a fuzzie monday night. I picked out a smaller frozen pinkie, and he did get it down and digested it, he was nice enough to go to the bathroom in my hand when I took him out this evening, but it took him MUCH longer to get it down, about 20 minutes as opposed to about 5 minutes or so per pinkie. He had a sinificant belly bulge from his fuzzie. But, he WAS able to handle it, so does that mean he's ready to start eating fuzzies, or should I still hold off a little? Getting frozen pinkies can be a pain around here, which is part of why I want to move him up, the petstores are ALWAYS out of pinkies, and I heard multiple smaller meals aren't as good for them as larger meals?