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Should I be feeding him more and more often?

Strider is five months old and I've been feeding him one pinkie once a week, because that's what the breeders were feeding him.
I've just got my scale in the mail and I was able to weigh him for the first time.
He weighs 16g.
According to the Munson plan, I should be feeding him two pinkies every 4-5 days?
Do I need to start doing that?
Or should I start feeding him two pinkies, but do it only once a week like I have been?
I've been thinking that he could move up to two pinkies, because he eats very fast and he's always roaming around right after like he's looking for another.
That's about the weight they say you should move to two pinks, yes. However, I've heard the Munson Plan is considered to be a "super-feeding" plan by some, causing overweight snakes. I'd stick to the once a week schedule but move up to 2 pinks.
I would just continue what you are already doing, with one pink, I didn't move mymale up till he was 22 grams and he's almost ready to start fussiest now.

I too heard that the munson plan was too aggressive for most people, so I tweaked it a bit! with the snake not being bumped up a prey size untilled he is atleast 10 g over what the much plans weight would say to feed!

just mho :eek: hope it helps some!