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should I feel bad for laughing?


Cornsnake Newbie
Last night, I was watching Vosim exploring his home. He has a tendency to stretch up one side from the bottom of the tank:

Well, he was doing this last night, but up the center of the front pane. He got almost all the way to the top, and started to fall to one side... instead of coiling up or trying to stop himself, he just fell like a stick, rigid as can be... and he bonked his head on the far left side of the viv. I laughed for a few minutes at him. I felt kind of bad for laughing (afterward), but it was really funny.. I think what made it funny to me was that he got back up and was trying it all over again.

what are some funny things your snakes have done?
Mine does that all the time, and falls constantly. I tell him I'm just laughing with him. :D
Staying stiff like a stick like that is how they cross open areas, branch to branch. He's just following his instincts!
Mali does that on occassion. When she was first exploring her tank she did it alot. But not so much anymore. I think she does that when she's hungry or bored. Maybe testing her limits. :shrugs:

I was holding her in my hand one time and she started stretching out and nearly fell out of my hands and clunked her head on the desk where we keep her cage. I managed to catch her before she hit the floor though. :p
My snakes do that alot, but usually only at night. They rebound quickly, though, but sometimes they give me a scare.
Don't feel bad for laughing. I imagine that most of us have laughed at our snake's (or snakes', as the case may be) antics from time to time as long as they didn't end up hurt. It's part of the fun in having pets. Part of the fun in having kids, too, but that's another story. Heck, it's just part of the fun in being human!

My Yohsong used to do a LOT of falling down. As she's growing up, she's gotten better at catching herself.
My two corns did this constantly when I first purchased them. After about two weeks, they settled into their enclosures and feel more comfortable, so they try to escape/climb less frequently. But I remember the first time I saw my snake manage to climb all the wap up the side of the tank like yours, only supported by about an inch and a half of his tail on the ground. He came tumbling down like the Berlin Wall and hit the substrate and a piece of driftwood! I almost had a heart attack. Was he okay, I thought? But then I remember all those nature documentaries I've seen on snakes, and even the arboreal variety fall quite often (especially when young). Sure enough, he was at it again as soon as he fell....

Does anyone else's hatchling/yearling's like to wedge themselves between the ridges in the top of those terrarium with the slide out covers? I remember looking for Loki (my Amel), and not finding him anywhere in the tank. He was in a ten gallon, so the places he could hide weren't very many. I scanned the hides with a small LED light, not in there. He wasn't under the driftwood. When he buries himself in the coconut husk substrate, he always leaves his head exposed to breathe. No sign of the head....

Then, to my surprise, I see a tiny few centimeters of tail hanging down from the top of the tank. So I gently pick up the tank, and sure enough, he's wedged between the top of the slide out cover and the tank, along the slits. I got so worried! And worst of all, I couldn't open the terrarium because I'd risk hurting him in the process. I just had to sit and wait. :eek:/

They like to give us a scare/laugh every now and then.
I've got one who used to regularly trawl along the rim of the viv beneath the lid until she got too large to fit into that space.
Kallias would always get up in that little gap. Then he would stretch out to explore and down he would come. Of course we would laugh, it's funny. You know you all have had a good chuckle when you see some one walking down the street and stumble over their own feet...it's the same thing:rofl:.


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That's definitely laugh-worthy! My little girl was doing the same thing last night, her first night in her new home. I chalked it up to her wanting to explore her surroundings.
Nothing like that yet with my snake, but one of my geckos, Savannah had a good one yesterday. She was walking around on my shoulders, and started down my sleeve. My other 2 do this, and I put my hand in thier tank so they can climb back in. She hasn't had this experience yet, so she kept on trucking when she got to the edge of my t-shirt. Gecko claws don't get much grip on skin, so she slid down the whole length of my arm. I felt her slipping, but couldn't grab her for fear of her falling. When she got to my wrist I flipped my hand so she slid right into it and never fell. She let out the loudest squawk in surprise to her little ride :D Had to laugh.