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Should i save this guy?


New member
Hi guys, i was wondering your tought about this snake i found on kijiji. I'm wondering is it too dangerous to bring him at my house (I would keep him in a separate room from my two other snake). I really can't risk making my two other snake sick. What's your thought on this? Can he be saved? Is it too dangerous? How much can it cost me?

Thank you guys,


Here's the kijiji add:
I have a 4 year old corn snake that I can no longer take care of because of both financial strain and health issues. The reason I'm giving him away for free is because he has a respiratory infection, and I know no one is going to want to pay for a snake that they then have to pay to get treated. I've had him treated once before (it didn't work 100% because my family was looking after him for a short time and weren't diligent enough in feeding him, but he did seem more or less fine for almost a year after that), so I know it costs about as much as buying a new snake+all the supplies would cost. I really just want him to go to a good home where someone can nurse him back to health and give him a good life. I'm giving him away along with his terrarium, a partial bag of aspen bedding, a heat lamp, an under tank heating pad, two sets of tongs for feeding and spot cleaning the cage, and whatever rats/mice are left in my freezer. E-mail me for pictures.
If he has a respiratory infection that absolutely will require a vet visit. You are looking at $100 minimum, probably much more, in most areas to start antibiotic treatment. Most need daily/every other day shots. Even with vet care, if the snake has been sick that long, it may not survive.

You also don't know what other bad things it could be carrying. There is no need to risk the pets you already have and care about to save this snake. So no, there is no upside to doing this.

You are not heartless or cold for not doing it. You are doing your snakes right by not risking their health.
Agreed, you can't save them all. Even a healthy new snake needs to be quarantined, but if you have your heart set on rescuing him, be ready for the cost of veterinary care, the reality of quarantining (separate rooms, separate feeding bins and bowls, different feeding days, lots of handwashing, for several months) and be prepared for the possibility the snake might not make it after all that.
Personally there is no way I would put my existing snakes at risk by acquiring a sick one.
I saw the ad too. Myself personally no I would not take on this snake because I'm already trying to pay off two huge vet bills (one for the snake & the other for my rescue mare). So with the mare I've already done my "jump in with both feet straight in the deep end" & hope for the best type of deal & though the journey is slow; she is improving daily. So will be worth the risk & investment even though she did infect (or it was coincidence) the other horses. But that was a risk I was willing to take.

I would say, if you have the time & money to invest that you would be ok with taking a chance then yeah it's up to you.

It's a shame that this poor snake is in this predicament but kudos to the owner for being honest. I'm sure it was probably a difficult decision. (thinking positively here & giving the benefit of the doubt as life happens & sometimes it isn't kind) I hope someone will be able to take the chance on him.

Did you call your vet to ask for a worst case scenario cost quote?

Sorry for not giving a yes or no answer.:(