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Show off your ball pythons!


New member
Hi guys!!

I'm in the process of getting things ready because I've decided I'm going to get a BP! I got to hold one the other day and I just didn't want to let it go. I'll be getting a corn come spring/summer when they can be shipped but for now, I'm super excited about my first bp! I go to the breeder in 10 days!

In celebration of me getting my first, I'd like to see yours! If you'd like, please share your pics!
This is my boy Nile :)


Thanks! I try to name my snakes based on themes...my corns are named after Japanese demons/spirits, my rubber boas name is Japanese for "earthworm", my hoggie is "hogwort" lol and Nile is because they are an African species.
I want a baby ball, but the breeder has a couple of these guys for a really good price ($40) and I think they're beautiful...

Are they established feeders? Balls can be finicky eaters so if you can get one that is a healthy consistent eater that will help. Mine is an eating machine, and my previous one was a bit tricky.
Are they established feeders? Balls can be finicky eaters so if you can get one that is a healthy consistent eater that will help. Mine is an eating machine, and my previous one was a bit tricky.

I'm not sure. I'm going to make sure the one I get is a good eater because my corn died from feeding issues. I've already talked to the breeder about my situation and what I'm looking for (easily-handled snake, good eater) and he told me to come see his collection and we'll talk and he'll help me pick one that fits my needs. He seemed pretty awesome :)

This is one of my favorite pictures of Pinkie Py(thon). He's about 21 years old-we got him a little over a year ago. He's a great snake!