Well, it's according to what you mean by albino. My amel is fiesty and isn't afraid of anything, and will eat right out your hand (probably would eat my hand too, but I don't want him to try) like there's no tomorrow. My snow is calm and easy to handle, but shedding and eating are both done in secrecy. She's got some 6th sense or something that tells her how long it'll be before I peek in at her. I always miss her doing anything. But neither of them have ever bitten or striked at me. The amel loves to rattle his little tail though.
*Edit: My caramel, which isn't an albino, is very shy when being held. He always hides his head and tries to find the darkest place in my palm or up my sleeve to hide. My amel and snow seem a lot braver, maybe they'll just grow up meaner. :shrugs: