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New member
here my silverqueens, they are coming along nicely, hopefully next year they will be ready to breed... :)

nice huh?



  • silverqueensmall.jpg
    115.9 KB · Views: 191
nice looking pair
I too am hoping that I can breed my pair of silver queens next year. Maybe if I feed them a lot this coming winter and without burmatoin mine would be good and ready....

great photos~
thanx, i am so happy with them, and yes i cannot wait to breed them

I do not know their weight YET

I want to breed them next year, they'll be in their 3rd year then, that should ok, or do you (all) suggest to follow the 300(or-so)-guideline?

I'd think the female should be a hefty weight before you breed her. The male dosen't need to be very big- at least 36 inches.
thanx, that is the "smallest" one, and is the male, the other one is the female (ofcourse) and is the one whom eats the most, by far....:D

jelle said:

I want to breed them next year, they'll be in their 3rd year then, that should ok...

Hi Jelle,

next year??? they are one, so next year they will be 2 and not three :eek:
hi hi,

oops, my bad.....

you are (ofcourse) right.....:D

but then again, next year should be ok.... :)

(they look allright don't they Pewter?)
hmmm....I don´t care how they look. i just see if they are over 300gramms :)
oh, and my 02 animals are all just 75 to 125 gramm :-/
Next year will only be OK

if the female is big enough! She should be at least 3 feet long, and have plenty of weight on her. Please don't rush them...you will be jeopardizing the female's health if you breed her before she is big enough!
that is the last thing i would want to du, rush them....

my amel blood red (sigh, also from Pewter) will be ready this year, so that should be fun, and if the silverqueens need another year or two, i don´t care, the most important thing is their health...

Ow and Pewter, you can´t seriously tell me that they´re not beautifull....


Your silverqueens do they look darker than the picture shows
because I have a corn that I can't figure out what phase it is.
Can you take a look at my post (new pics of unknown corn) look at the second pic see if they are close. And is the belly scale pattern different on yours than most corns I will include a pic of a belly shot.
Thanks for your help


  • bellyshots1.jpg
    102.3 KB · Views: 32