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Sir Jumpy Bumpy Green Thing


Start Wearing Purple
Took a couple of new pics of Sir Jumpy Bumpy Green Thing today. He is an African Bull Frog, also known as a Pyxie Frog. Unfortunately, the batteries on the camera died before I fed him. He is up to hopper mice now. I feed him 1 hopper twice a week and worms (nightcrawlers or superworms) 3-5 times a week. Despite the heavy feeding schedule, he always seems hungry. Any movements near his face provoke a lunge.



He's so cool. Can you take him out, or is he too hungry to handle? You guys with your frogs are nearly as bad as Mike with the Florida Kings...

That's a sweet frog even if he does look like he has an acne problem. :p
My all time favorite pets are African Clawed frogs. They live in the water full time and rip their food apart with their long claws. The carnage!
I love those Fire Belly toads that raise their arms up to scare you away with their red undersides!

Nanci said:
He's so cool. Can you take him out, or is he too hungry to handle? You guys with your frogs are nearly as bad as Mike with the Florida Kings...

If you approach from behind, you can pick him up. If you try to get him from the front, he'll usually let out the cutest little growl ever and try to bite. He did get me once, but he barely grazed me and that was during a feeding. Not like the one at my work that made me bleed a bunch when she nailed me.
Actually, the "Pyxie" name is a shortening of their genus name- Pyxiecephalus. If my little one ends up looking like Sir Jumpy Bumpy Green Thing, he will really fit into his own name- Jabba!! :grin01: Look at that double chin!!
He's got a little family resemblence, eh Trev? =D :sidestep:

"He's jumpy....he's bumpy...he's JumpyBumpy!"

"*ahem*...that's SIR JumpBumpy to you, knave..."
oh man. The "sir" is what does it.

I don't really know all that much about frogs/ toads etc. , but i remember it suprised me to no end when i found out that they eat hopper mice.

how bad is a frog-bite anyways?
When it is a frog with teeth, like an ABF, it can really suck!! Didn't one of yours nail you, Trevor? Or was that someone else?
I did get bit by Sir Jumpy Bumpy, but that one barely got me and didn't break the skin. The one that really hurt is the bite from the adult female at work. She made me bleed a lot. I'd rather take a bite from an adult corn than from another adult Pyxie. Not a fun bite at all.
Hypancistrus said:
Got any pics of that? Or was it so bad you're first instinct wasn't to grab a camera, like with a snake bite?? :eek1:
Nope, I didn't happen to get any pics :(

But my first instinct with ANY bite is to grab the camera. There just wasn't a camera handy at the moment. :)